ship supplies -online or local?


New Member
Seminole, Fl
Yay, I just set up our account with fedex-finally and need to do that test package. I know I can order supplies online-can anyone recommend a good place or will local ups stores or something like that have the live boxes and styrofoam? What about staples, office places, sams/costco? I have a bunch of deli cups and heat/cold packs already. Thanks.


New Member
I bought all mine with Good prices from what I could tell. The sell boxes with styrofoam, deli cups, heat packs, etc.


New Member
Seminole, Fl
Has anyone found boxes with the whole fragile/live on them anywhere else? That place looks great, but I know I won't be shipping that many leos, so for us it wouldn't make sense to pay over $30 for boxes and styrofoam. I only need like 5 boxes or less right now.

Ghetto Gecko

If I can offer advice......

boutiquegecko said:
Has anyone found boxes with the whole fragile/live on them anywhere else? That place looks great, but I know I won't be shipping that many leos, so for us it wouldn't make sense to pay over $30 for boxes and styrofoam. I only need like 5 boxes or less right now.

Dont cut corners when it comes to shipping. I have been shipping snakes for a very long time and I know (because I have been told time and time again) that the appearance of the box PRIOR to it being opened is a key factor in a customers satisfaction. Obviously the animal is as well but spend the few dollars extra and if you dont use them, you can always save them for a rainy day. There is nothing worse than waiting for a box to arrive and seeing either a used box(so common its sickening) or a make shift box with uneven, jagged home depot styrofoam sticking out of the box. This is especially important if you are sending the test package to the Fed Ex testing lab. You want them to be impressed. Remember, after the test facilty the proposal and photos of your box (with labeled descriptions from their lab) goes to their Legal department for final approval. They wont want their names on sloppy boxes. I know of two people who were denied simply because of their poor box appearance(tape jobs, labeling, Ect). If you dont want to splurge for the stickers, I create my own Microsoft Word labels with the words keep warm or keep cool, live snakes, live...... whatever. Then cut it with a papercutter and tape it onto the box when you are sealing it up. Or print them directly onto your own stickers. By the way, I have used Superior as well for many years and they are an excellent company. I hope I helped. Mike Panichi

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