Alright guys, I'm really debating on the Bell Patternless project. I have 2.9 (I think) proven double hets who bred last year. Visually, they all look really normal. I would like to keep working with this project, but I really need to cut back on my leopard geckos because I just have too many and I'm getting into a few other species. Here are the ones I had labeled "holdbacks" but considering how ... I just don't know.
Anyway, I was planning on keeping 1.2 dh's from last year, but I'm debating on replacing the 1.0 with this guy:
He's a dh from a Bell Hybino bred to a Patty 66% p.h. Bell I got from Jeremy, thus not as related to the other animals in the project. Plus, he's a lot prettier than my original dh male. BUT, I'm only keeping one male dh and this one isn't proven...
Then there's these 1.2 Patternless that are 66% ph Bell. (Male is 1st)
(the last one is in shed)
They are really nice Patternless (it's hard to tell because my camera REALLY sucks).
And these 1.3 Bells that are 66% ph Patternless. (Male is 1st again)
I just don't know what to do with them and I need to make up my mind. I really don't want to produce a bunch of double hets and possible double hets next year. The Bells that are coming out of this project are pretty nice. I've gotten a lot of nice tangs and jungles / partial stripes out of them. I kinda want to keep that male Bell 66% Patternless and try to find a nice striped Bell female for him. I think it would be a good idea to do one outcross of one Bell 66% Patternless female to a KILLER male Patternless with insane carrot tail from Marcia. That would hopefully prove out the female and make some decent, outcrossed double hets. As for the rest, I was thinking of breeding the male Bell to one female patternless, and the male patternless to one female bell. I'd probably breed whichever dh male I end up keeping to the two proven dh females and the extra Bell female.
You know, I'm kind of retarded.
Thinking out loud has helped me make up my mind. I just needed to sort through them and play with the numbers a bit. I guess my only issue left to debate is which male dh to keep. I'd have to check "the book" but I think the male pictured above had a kink-tailed sibling What do you guys think about that?
Damn, I typed all of that so fast my arthritis in my hand is killing me.
Oh yeah, one last picture that isn't related to the BPA project...
It's really hard to get an accurate picture of her (because my camera sucks) but the gecko on the right is an olive green - khaki color. She's pictured next to a SHTCT het RW (Bozo X Flamin' Janis!!) for comparison. She really is greenish looking and her feet are spotted. No really, she's green. I'm thinking of calling her a SHO like the Ford Taurus from the late 90's. Does that make me a dork?
Can you guys tell I took too much Sudafed? I have a sinus infection and probably either Bronchitis or Pneumonia. Fuck.
Anyway, I was planning on keeping 1.2 dh's from last year, but I'm debating on replacing the 1.0 with this guy:
He's a dh from a Bell Hybino bred to a Patty 66% p.h. Bell I got from Jeremy, thus not as related to the other animals in the project. Plus, he's a lot prettier than my original dh male. BUT, I'm only keeping one male dh and this one isn't proven...
Then there's these 1.2 Patternless that are 66% ph Bell. (Male is 1st)
(the last one is in shed)
They are really nice Patternless (it's hard to tell because my camera REALLY sucks).
And these 1.3 Bells that are 66% ph Patternless. (Male is 1st again)
I just don't know what to do with them and I need to make up my mind. I really don't want to produce a bunch of double hets and possible double hets next year. The Bells that are coming out of this project are pretty nice. I've gotten a lot of nice tangs and jungles / partial stripes out of them. I kinda want to keep that male Bell 66% Patternless and try to find a nice striped Bell female for him. I think it would be a good idea to do one outcross of one Bell 66% Patternless female to a KILLER male Patternless with insane carrot tail from Marcia. That would hopefully prove out the female and make some decent, outcrossed double hets. As for the rest, I was thinking of breeding the male Bell to one female patternless, and the male patternless to one female bell. I'd probably breed whichever dh male I end up keeping to the two proven dh females and the extra Bell female.
You know, I'm kind of retarded.
Thinking out loud has helped me make up my mind. I just needed to sort through them and play with the numbers a bit. I guess my only issue left to debate is which male dh to keep. I'd have to check "the book" but I think the male pictured above had a kink-tailed sibling What do you guys think about that?
Damn, I typed all of that so fast my arthritis in my hand is killing me.
Oh yeah, one last picture that isn't related to the BPA project...
It's really hard to get an accurate picture of her (because my camera sucks) but the gecko on the right is an olive green - khaki color. She's pictured next to a SHTCT het RW (Bozo X Flamin' Janis!!) for comparison. She really is greenish looking and her feet are spotted. No really, she's green. I'm thinking of calling her a SHO like the Ford Taurus from the late 90's. Does that make me a dork?
Can you guys tell I took too much Sudafed? I have a sinus infection and probably either Bronchitis or Pneumonia. Fuck.