Should? Or is just "a feeling"


New Member
North Port, F.L
Okay, I got an interesting situation for you guys. I want to but I dont know if it is worth the risks and considering my situation.

Background Info: In like a month and a half I will have had my first gecko for about a year. I currently have three though (I havent checked them really but they should be 2 females and a male (the male being the youngest) If I do choose to do this though I will obviously confirm them and their age by weighing them and what not. Anyways, I have been reading different forms and the slandered breeding information. After my senior year I still will be attending the same college to finish my last few credits (a year at most) then I will be most likely commuting to a from a four year college (1hr and 10min drive roughly) to get my under grad.

Situation: I am a junior in high school but taking college classes as well, next school year I will be full time at the local community college as a dual enrollment student (like a 10 min drive so ill still live at home). I have enough feeders and so forth. I have viewed many illnesses on breeding and geckos in general. DO NOT take my young age as immaturity or so forth, I have spent countless hours before and after I got my first gecko, I even educate others who have lizards (on general info). I love my geckos to death, my family does not take care of them at all. They are all my responsibility and they are amazing :D.

Issue at hand: I want to breed my my geckos (ONE TIME ONLY). I have seen so many baby pictures and what not and the feeling of creating a gecko just fills me with joy (I do not not want to sell them or anything) I wanna say hey I breed this little guy and raise him.

Problem: I do not know if it is worth risking my geckos as my male I spent hard looking for (nothing to special just wanted a tangelo but settle with a tremper enigma). I know injury's are low but I need re assurance (I know dont mix them together until shes ovulating) I have a one tank 2 gecko setup with a divider so its almost a perfect breeding tank because I can easily separate if needed ...also for feeding. Another problem though,this is kind of a one time thing, If something happens to one of my geckos, they wont be easy to replace, if a baby doesnt make it under my care, it might be kind of rough to handle.

I hope I didnt bore you too much but I just want to know from the ones who have breed before. I believe that is all but any questions just ask and trust me, I will respond haha :)


New Member
palmetto FL
What all do you have? You have a male tremper enigma. If you breed him will you be ready to handle the ever so sparatic enigma gene? Not discouraging you, just making sure. What females do you have, how old, weights? Do you have the finances to setup and maintain breeding, a place to home any babies you dont keep and the ability to take any animals to the vet? As well as the ability to euthanize any of the hatchlings should something be wrong? Im in my sophomore year, in college courses, so long as you show yourself capable, people here shouldn't look down on your age.


New Member
West Central Florida
You sound like a young version of me. I like to breed certain animals and raise their young for the pure sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in doing it. I also like to experiment a bit in genetics, pairing two completely different or unique animals and seeing what the outcome would be. I would never intentionally do it with dogs, cats or any animal for that matter that is overrunning our shelters or being euthanized by the thousands every day. I stick to fish, birds and my latest venture the geckos, all of which I have no trouble finding homes for, among my hundred or so co-workers and their families. I do however, have a pretty decent job and the means to provide for any animal brought into this world under my care. You seem like you've given it some thought, and if you have the resources and responsibility, I'd say go for it! I'd be a hypocrate, if I told you anything else. I hate hypocrates! Good luck in whatever you decide. Bob


New Member
North Port, F.L
Im 99% sure I have Super Hypo Tangerine (Female) a High Yellow (Female) both of them are from Petsmart so age is unknown and I dont have a scale at this moment but I will get my hands on a gram scale soon. I know the enigma disorder yes, I plan on keeping the babies but, if they become and issue or one or more do I know a privately owned pet shop that would take them in and eventually sell them back out once they are grown a little more and 100% healthy. Financially, if it need be I can get them to a vet; personally I am not aware how to put them to sleep but if need be I can get the vet to.I would have to triple check the whole breeding process personally though so I can insure no stupid mistakes or what not. I know my SHT is definitely an adult...the tremper enigma isnt ready to breed just yet prob late december or the next year (if the female is ovulating). I'm not going to lie though, I have not seen my females ovulate yet but then again I do not check unless im suspicious. Do they only do it once a year?


New Member
palmetto FL
I wouldn't do it from here. You got petsmart geckos, random hidden hets are not fun. What may look like one thing on the outside may carry a different het on the inside. If your going to breed, you'd be much much better off with a healthy(genetically speaking) pair from a reputable breeder. Id say be happy with the animals you got now.


New Member
North Port, F.L
I think that is what I am leaning toward because my male enigma is just crazy like i cant describe it isnt enigma signs or anything it is more like ADHD gecko or sumin its his today when I cleaned his cage I found 5 more worms that he had picked up from his worm dish and dropped (hes dropped two into his calcium before) he also is REALLY eager for food he jumps at the feeding tongs before they can lower the cricket


Wonder Reptiles
I came across this dilema when I bought my dog.
Soo many people would see her and practically beg me to breed her with their dogs, their neighbours dog, etc.
Puppies would be so fun! So cute!
The cons? You arent garenteed one healthy pup to keep. Same with the geckos. You could have, will have, several. Since I couldnt give pups away and its not okay to have 12 dogs in the city - I passed.
Another con. If my dog died in the birthing process, which isnt uncommon, I could never forgive myself. Another not so uncommon thing with breeding female leopards, they can die. Rare, but what if it happened?
Another con. Puppies dont always make it. Some hatchling geckos fail to thrive. Heartbreaking? Or part of life? Its different for everyone.
Another con. My dog would suffer from the whole experience. Higher chances of cancer in not being spayed on time, the stress of being bred, the strain of giving birth and nursing, and so forth. Female leopard geckos tend not to live as long, due to stress of laying eggs.
Another con. There are A LOT of dogs in this world already that need a home. Bringing pups into this world when so many go hungry, just doesnt seem fair.

If you can look at these things objectively, and be okay with a bad outcome, then I think youre responsible enough to follow through. These are just some things to be aware of. I would LOVE to see Ella puppies! But I wouldnt risk Ella.

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