
So I was sitting in my bed tonight lookin at stuff on here when I saw my little leo jump of the top of her tree hide hit the glass and fall. Its like she was jumping to see if she could get out. I dont know how to tell if she has any broken bones or if she needs vet care. She was a little slow getting up but she is walking around and looks like she is trying to climb the walls which she has done before so I think thats normal. I took the tree out so that she couldn't jump again but im not sure if she has done it before or not, I havent noticed anything different before though. Here is the link to the other thread so you can see the cage and get an idea of how far she fell. It was the very top tip of the tree.


Active Member
Southern Illinois
If she's walking around like she normally does, she doesn't have any broken bones. I wouldn't worry. Geckos can jump quite a bit. I would take the tree out as long as the gecko is really small. When they are bigger, they are not so jumpy any more. I also have a high branch in my adult cage, and none of the big geckos ever fell off. Your tree looked nice in your set-up. Save it for when the gecko is bigger :)

Watch her tail, too. Sometimes when they fall and hit their tail hard against something, it might start twitching violently. Weeks later, the hurt part will turn dark and dry, and fall off if it is not amputated. (I would guess this is because they activated the "throw-off mechanism," but didn't sever the tail yet.) But if she just hit the glass and not a sharp edge, her tail is probably fine. You will notice it, because otherwise, it develops a bruise before it turns dark.

Keep watching her, and if you don't see any signs of bent or dragging legs, or other bruises, she will be ok. From what you described, she sounds fine.



well thats really good to here! Her tail is not twitching, but I will keep an eye on it. I am almost afraid to go to sleep, she keeps looking up like she is trying to figure out another way out, she climbed on the smaller tree decoration I thought she was going to jump again but I thik she realized that she wouldn't make it and she climbed down. I was wondering about internal bleeding, is that possible too?

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Leos are not that delicate where they are going to break bones by falling or jumping off of cage decor... Trust me, in the wild, they fall from much greater heights and live to fall again and again...

Reptiles in general are very tough and do not get injured easily... Even if by some very slim chance your leo did break a bone, there is nothing a vet can do... A vet will not splint a broken arm or wrap broken ribs of a leopard gecko... If there is a break, it will mend on its own...
Dont be so paranoid and put the tree back in... Your leo will be fine...
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Well thanks for the reassuring but I think I will leave the tree out for now, just in case!


New Member
Our girl broke her leg but it was from a fall off the vets table. She could not put any weight on her leg at all. You could see that it was slightly bowed but thank goodness the bone did not break the skin. I would say if your little one is walking around then it is probably ok. They are very tough little guys. My husband dropped one of our girls when we first got her ( he about died....hubby not gecko). She was fine, it took my husband alot longer to recover!!!!!


i think it is the same with me! She seemed a little slow at first but than got back to her normal self in like 5 min. it took me a lot longer to calm myself down.


New Member
United States
ok, now what if you have the oppisite problem...???

Our girl broke her leg but it was from a fall off the vets table. She could not put any weight on her leg at all. You could see that it was slightly bowed but thank goodness the bone did not break the skin. I would say if your little one is walking around then it is probably ok. They are very tough little guys. My husband dropped one of our girls when we first got her ( he about died....hubby not gecko). She was fine, it took my husband alot longer to recover!!!!!

I got a juvenile/adult 3 days ago and she is so skittish! Anytime I am near the bed, she jumps - just wiggles and whips herself around. Gecks usually like me so I was kind of concerned (and a little offended) that she didn't warm up to me.
The reason I got an older geck because my other 4 are juvi/adult.
Anyways - I finally got her calmed down enough to notice that there is a little bump under her belly and she "flinched" when I touch it.
*Part 2....There are only 2 vets in my area - 1 works on small animals 1 or 2 days a month (nice! - thanks). The other vet is "Dr Kevorkian" ~ I have walked in with 3 geckos (one only had a minor problem) and left either with worse geckos or no geck. I will not go to him - I don't trust him at this point....
So, I know everyone usually says - bring her to the vet, so I ask....any other suggestions..??

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