Silkworm care


New Member
Silkworms are a bit harder to care for then many other worms.
So remember, If its your first time caring or Been breeding for years.
keep in mind that high die off rate are something you need to deal
with. even with perfect care for these Worms.

Silkworm care

1.) Eggs, when first laid they are a very light yellow. After a day they turn dark. *Any eggs that do not darken after a day are not good* Eggs do not need very much care as long as your temps do not drop under 70F or go over 85F. you can leave them out or even keep them in a incubator around 80F if you want...But really Leave them out on a shelf works just as well :main_rolleyes:

Female moths lay up to 250 eggs EACH!

2.)New hatching silkworms, the eggs turn color and that means they are going to hatch in 48 hours. when they do they are Super small,black, and need food. DO NOT TOUCH. until the silkworms turn white. Touching will kill them very easy (just because you without knowing smash them) Place silkworm food Around the patch of eggs. *within a hour or so they will crawl on it* replace with new everyday or every other day.

hint: Your huge killer right now in this stage is MOLD.
If you let the bin or let the food sit there. Mold will grow and kill
Many if not all. To stop this from happening Only place a Little food at a time.
Making sure the food is dry before replacing with new. *If its to late and mold has hit...Take tweezers and slowly replace each silkworm in to a new bin...But good luck..Because they might still die

3.) White silkworms, your pretty much in the clearing now! All the weak ones should have died off. Always keep your hands clean when handling them but i never use "Tweezers" to pick them up to keep them cleaner:main_rolleyes:. i do use newspaper for bedding. and Feed them EVERYDAY. What people don't know is the huge killer here isn't really ""keeping them clean" But "Keeping the space" Worms do not like being in groups Make sure you can see a good space around the worms making sure they can move around.

(you might notice your silkworms Frozen with there heads up, This is good. it means there growing!)


Killers at this stage: Keeping space! Keep feeding!.Make sure you keep it clean.

Adult silkworms, keep feeding, feeding, feeding! and cleaning. like you have been.they grow a little over 2 inches long! Then there adults. Put down egg crates, Or paper towel rolls if you wish. But i found that just ball up news paper An they will go in there and Cocoon. you can tell when there about to. the silkworm back will almost be clear. then it will become smaller (It should be cocooning now) if not...It will become much smaller and yellow. and might even die.

front worm: Past due to cocoon.
Back worm: perfect size to cocoon.

It takes around a week and they will hatch into moths! YAY

No care here! they do not have any mouths. So any feeding of any kind Isn't needed. they will just start breeding. the live for around a week and die off right before laying there eggs.

they tend to Spray, as you will notice with the egg photo. Don't put these guys near your face:main_lipsrsealed:

Male moths: they are much smaller then the female and wings Tend to only show the top And not there smaller back wings.

Females moths: Many show off there 4 wings, 2 large tops and Small back ones.Also there HUGE. if you flip them over you might even be able to see them eggs :p

So here is the whole care for them. And i hope this helps. there is no way to sex the normal silkworm. Only when its a moth. However if you want to be able to. Zebra silkworms can be.

photo of adult Zebra silkworms male white, females stripes,

that bin right there was a bit over filled with worms. take out around 50 and it would be perfect. *reason why its packed,because they where being counted to be shipped*

If anyone needs more photos,info,or help mail me and i willbe more then happy to show you! good luck


Ghoulish Geckos
Thank you for posting this. Question though, what can I do if I can't use tongs. I don't touch any bugs at all. Can I just not feed them? What if I clean the tongs after every use?


New Member
Northern Ontario Canada
Thank you for posting this. Question though, what can I do if I can't use tongs. I don't touch any bugs at all. Can I just not feed them? What if I clean the tongs after every use?

Snakegirl said If its to late and mold has hit...Take tweezers and slowly replace each silkworm in to a new bin...But good luck..Because they might still die

So I take it that you can use tweezers, just be careful because you can still squeeze them too much.

Just try touching the bugs with your hands. I don't know why but when I first started keeping my gecko, I too did not like to touch the bugs, even considering I was a bug crazy kid when I was younger. I am back to that bug crazy kid, and dive right into the container again,lol.


Ghoulish Geckos
So not going to happen!

I think part of my problem was that they were too crowded. How many can you keep in a container and what size? I'm not trying to breed them. I just want to be able to buy a couple hundred at a time to save on shipping. That would probably last me two weeks, maybe.


Excellent Geckos
in my thoughts
I use to know a lady that gave them away for free(at school) and we had a BIG Mulberry tree in our front yard and they would just eat SOO much.
Thanks for the care tips, i may consider getting some again.


gecko hoarder
North Brunswick
I LOVE them... and so far i've not had a gecko that doesn't like them !

they make No sound, the smell of their chow is mild, their poo is dry and they grow VERY QUICKLY!.... YAAAAAAAAY......... I might even let a few cacoon to see if I can start the cycle over again....

they aren't bad to touch, don't bite, the silk is a bit annoying, but even still, much more benign than anything else i've raised for feeders!

mulbery farms has the best prices I've seen, if any one knows different please post!


New Member
As for touching them. If you dont want to use your hands. Use anythng else. lik tweezers or tongs Or even gloves. make sure its clean.

As for space. I Use around a 16 Q per around 50-70 Adult worms *2 inchs long* . you can add more. but remember they need space. a 16 can hold over 1'sk of eggs and keep them in there till Pure white. If you dont want to keep moving them.Just use a bigger bin. i cant see people breeding over 1,000 Lol


New Member
Glad to help anyone. I also breed mealworms and waxworms. if anyone else need help with Them just mail me and i will make info on that too. Once again glad to help ( :


gecko hoarder
North Brunswick

Snake girl, I'd LOVE to see a tutorial on the breeding and proper care of wax worms!!!!

PLEASE start a new post!!!!

Also, in my research, I am seeing there are 2 predominate types of silkworms, 'normals" and zebra (PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong)... what do you feel are the major differences between the two? Can you keep both types together? will they breed?


New Member
Zebra and Normal silkworms are Basicly the same!

They will give you for the zebra a line of "Oh there way much easier and stronger living" and I MY SELF. Have found no such thing. there just the same as normals However Pure white worms are Males The black strips one's are Females! So unless you would like to know what Sex of worm you have...there just about the same as the normal.

Also i forgot to add...Silkworm eggs during winter Many times WILL NOT hatch. i fool them by sticking them in the frige for a few weeks then taking them out and heating them up...This takes months. Normaly i will forget about it and just breed wax/meal worms. till its Summer.

my waxworm eggs are just now hatching out. i will make a care sheet for breeding waxworms in a few weeks when the wax worms are Adults....Right now there as long a this ' <<<<< that spot is about as big as they are when there born. So a few more weeks and i will make a caresheet on them ( :


gecko hoarder
North Brunswick
AH, very very cool!!!!

Another question, I dont' know if this is normal or is I got a b atch of retareded worms... mine are all covered in slik, and the food and poo all gets caught in it!!!!... WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?.... it's a giant mess to take and separate them ALL to put down more food..... what can I do about this?>


New Member
what size are they? they normaly dont make Piles of silk unless they make cacoons, if your using a large bin try using a sheet of newpaper in the bin *something to keep it a bit dryer* And if you dont have egg crates try a small balled up newpaper on one side of the cage....If they need to cacoon they will do it here. Keep the food on the other far side of the bin. i find if you keep the food in one spot it's cleaner.


gecko hoarder
North Brunswick
i must have retarded worms!

I have ALL sizes, I started with mediums, when I bought more I bought smalls and 2K eggs..... more eggs on the way.. . I have large to 2 week olds right now and they all are making silk, I've had to separate them from the silk and poo everytime I feed it's a giant PITA!!!!!.... It took me an hr just to do the larger ones yesterday...... I have 1/2 of them in a large 41qt sweater box, the larger ones, and the babies in a smaller tub.

Maybe I'm over crowding>? would this cause them to produce more silk>? a defense reaction? hmmm.

I'm currently using mulberry farms as my supplier, who does every one else use?


New Member
well Daniellbluetoo they are silkworms. lol the babies do make more silk, some people just will not clean them. as in (picking them out by hand) they just toss the bin in another bin, Take out the paper,replace and poor the silks right back in however, this up to you. i hand pick them out myself throwing out the silk.

Mulberry farms, not to be mean. but i never have liked them i order a bunch of silks years back.....they came Half had died, others sick, nasty and Bad shipping. Them silkworms KILLED my whole group of my own silkworms...I was very mad. so no mulberry farms for me. however i will use them to buy bulk in silkworm food. i buy the biggest bag they have lol.

Also for anyone that wants up dates, am starting over again this is was 4k silkworms look like, 2k normals, and one dish of zebras 2k, there small and black.




what can i say, they love my cooking! lol


New Member
This is a great tutorial I've been wanting to feed silkworms for the longest but the shipping is so expensive, that's the only thing because everyone wants to send them overnight express. Do you recommend a site to order like 100 or so silkworms and do you know how much food I should buy for that many worms? And is there much of a difference between pre-made chow and the powdered chow, which one do you prefer?


Sin City Gecko
Las Vegas NV
This is a great tutorial I've been wanting to feed silkworms for the longest but the shipping is so expensive, that's the only thing because everyone wants to send them overnight express. Do you recommend a site to order like 100 or so silkworms and do you know how much food I should buy for that many worms? And is there much of a difference between pre-made chow and the powdered chow, which one do you prefer?

I recommend MulberryFarms. I would also get the powdered chow. It's usually less expensive and easy to make.


New Member
when i do Order i use coastalsilkworms However i breed my own. Powered is the only thing i use you mix one half cup of Powered chow to 3 cups of warm water, heat for 3 min. then again for 3. Mix and pop in the fridge, few hours later it will be like jello almost. cut up and feed out ( :


Ghoulish Geckos
I've been ordering from Mulberry Farms lately with no problems. They send me double the order everytime.:) I use priority and they have been arriving alive. More and more of my geckos are starting to eat them. I usually just add one or two to their mealworms or roaches for the day. There are a few geckos who really like them and don't eat much else, so they get more everyday.

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