Small diurnal gecko suggestions?


New Member
I currently keep a steadily growing colony of Mourning Geckos (Lepidodactylus lugubris) and assist my wife in the care of her Crested Gecko. I also kept Leopard Geckos successfully many years ago (I had to find them a new home because I moved to Hawaii, where I could not take them.)

I really enjoy our geckos, and I would eventually (in a year or so, perhaps) like to expand my gecko keeping to some of the smaller diurnal species. I have been reading up on Phelsuma species, as well as Sphaerodactylus species.

They are all intriguing...any suggestions on which species might be a good be to start with?Attractive coloration and out-in-the-open activity are a plus. I really like the look of P. klemmeri, as well as S. torrei, but I am open to any suggestions.

Although I recognize that some of the care will differ from the species I currently keep, there will be a lot of crossover. I currently raise a number of live foods (Drosophila, confused flour beetles, bean beetles, isopods, springtails) and have been keeping my Mourning Geckos In a live vivarium with bio active substrate for about 1.5 years.

I am prepared to provide UVB lighting for those species that require it.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have a P. klemmeri and a P. laticauda. Of the 2 I find the klemmeri more visible and active (though she's now 7years old and slowing down). Another choice is L. williamsi, the electric blue day gecko. If you keep checking the Fauna classifieds and the Kingsnake classifieds you'll see them there periodically.



New Member
I have a P. klemmeri and a P. laticauda. Of the 2 I find the klemmeri more visible and active (though she's now 7years old and slowing down). Another choice is L. williamsi, the electric blue day gecko. If you keep checking the Fauna classifieds and the Kingsnake classifieds you'll see them there periodically.


Thank you! I'm glad to hear that P. klemmeri is a visible and active gecko...I will keep my eyes open in the classifieds...

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