Snow Strains


Oregon Rainwater
Portland, OR
I've been thinking for a while about crossing snows, say Gem X Mack, or TUG X Gem. It seems like this is a common practice and not bothering any one, while general consesus of mixing albino strains is that it's negative. I fully understand the cons to mixing albino strains, and it seems that mixing snow strains will get even more confusing.

A Gem X Mack will produce approximately:

25% Normals
25% Gems
25% Macks
25% Gem/Mack Super Snows

Already in the first generation there is a problem, in that you cannot tell which is a Mack and which is a Gem. Some people might have a good enough eye to have a fairly accurate guess, but the same goes with the difference between a Tremper and a Rainwater.

So now let's say you take the Gem/Mack SS and breed it to a Normal leopard, you should get approximately:

50% Gems
50% Macks

Again, impossible to tell which is which.

With the albinos, if you don't know what strain you have, test breeding is fairly easy, but it's impossible to test breed the snows, since breeding different snow strain hets can create the a homozygous.

Any other opinions?


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
Yeah If I mixed snows I would just call them Mack x..whatever..You could not visually tell the difference. The only way you would be able to tell is if say you crossed a gem x mack breed offspring to gem and whatever doesnt make a super could be a gem....Not 100% but could be.


New Member
agreed. i have some tug/mack snow crosses and it is going to be interesting to say the least. the only thing i can do it (if or when i have babies) is to tell them as what they are or could be. disclosing all information.


well, in the case that it is a a mack super snow and a tug snow, for instance,
if you had only 1 clutch and even 1 of them came out a snow and not a supersnow, would that not tell you your tug snow was 1c and there for rule out the possibility of guessing which is which or having to prove them out?
because you could be sure they were mack
also if they all came out super snow then you know your tug is 2c
however in the next generation i do see very muddy waters ahead either way...
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New Member
well, in the case that it is a a mack super snow and a tug snow, for instance,
if you had only 1 clutch and even 1 of them came out a snow and not a supersnow, would that not tell you your tug snow was 1c and there for rule out the possibility of guessing which is which or having to prove them out?
because you could be sure they were mack
also if they all came out super snow then you know your tug is 2c
however in the next generation i do see very muddy waters ahead either way...

i dont think even thats definitive


Oregon Rainwater
Portland, OR
But then all your Super Snows have 1 mack copy and 1 TUG copy, and anything they breed to will get one or the other, but you can't tell which it is.


New Member
Heres my big question about these because to me they look so much alike.

So lets say you have a male and female SS (1 copy mack,1 copy gem) and breed them together will you get any gems from the cross? I'm not sure if this is possible but why not if you breed a super (1 copy mack,1 copy gem) to a normal you get

50% Gems
50% Macks

but if that's not the case wouldn't that just mean there all just really a variation of macks? I know SS + SS = SS but would it be the same case in breeding 2 SS (1 copy mack,1 copy gem)
I would really like to know this as i think this would be an interesting experiment project for someone..



Sin City Gecko
Las Vegas NV
If all the 1 copy snows can be crossed to make SS's then would it be safe to say that the SS form is the true form of the morph and that Mack's Gem's and Tugs are 1 copy mutations or variations of the true SS morph? I have always wondered about this....

I have TUG/Mack SSE and SS's and I cant tell the differences between pure Mack SS's and Tug/Mack crosses.

I dont have gems. Anyone's thoughts here?

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