Wow!:main_thumbsup: what's going on here ?.Head says blizzard the rest of the body says no ?.
Also looks the be expressing the Super calico trait.Solid eyes ?.The dorsal stripeing bit like reverse stripeing.And the like reverse striped bit in the tail.But it is only a small amount.
That W&Y blizzard is sweet. The more I see W&Y, the more I can see the difference from others. It seems like they affect other genetics alot. Great Job!:main_thumbsup:
Probably this is pic. W&Y Blizzard hatchling, but I'm not sure it 100% I have format hard disk and I lost all pictures. I have many geckos this year and I don't remember.
This year I have many geckos from breeding White & Yellow projects.
I suppose the White & Yellow morphs this is co-dom trait. I don't sure it 100% but all to indicate this is co-dom.