
New Member
I had a hatchling hatch on July 13th and it will not and can not eat mealies or any whole food. I have been feeding it the slurry, it just started shedding it's first shed a day or two ago and he could not get the shed off so I have been trying to help get it off day by day, I soak his tub so the shed wont dry and cut off cerculation anywhere. Anyway he is the same size as he was when he was first born, He hasn't grown at all. I don't know what to think or what to do. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME SUGGESTION? Thank you


Geckos of Oz
Las Vegas, NV
double check temps. 90f good temp for warm side. 75-85 cool side. What size are you offering him and do you have any pics u can post up with your setup?


New Member
double check temps. 90f good temp for warm side. 75-85 cool side. What size are you offering him and do you have any pics u can post up with your setup?

I currently have him in a 6qt tub with a moist hide, calcium dish, water dish and food dish for mealies. He shows no interest in solid food what-so-ever. I have gotten a mealworm in his mouth but he just sits there forever with it partly hanging out and then he will flip his head to spit the mealworm out. I even have a hard time getting him to take the slurry, I have to time it just right when he starts licking other wise I can put it on his nose and he will just let it sit there and not lick it off. Does that help any? I just don't know what to do.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have occasionally had baby geckos that fail to thrive this way. There may be something wrong internally that you can't see. If your husbandry is correct (I see there are questions about temperatures) and you're doing all the things you've reported, I don't see that there's really anything you can do. The gecko may just not be designed to survive.



New Member
I have occasionally had baby geckos that fail to thrive this way. There may be something wrong internally that you can't see. If your husbandry is correct (I see there are questions about temperatures) and you're doing all the things you've reported, I don't see that there's really anything you can do. The gecko may just not be designed to survive.


I will just keep my fingers crossed. his temps are in the right range.
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New Member
Leland, NC
I had one that hatched this year that was like that. She went over a month without any solid food while her clutch mate was growing like a weed. After we exhausted all efforts to try to get her to eat, i decided to try some small crickets again. I threw a few 1/4" crickets in there with her and she went crazy eating them. She still wouldnt take meal worms so I had to keep a fresh supply of crickets on hand just for her. She is now growing good and will eat meal worms like all my others.. I guess some just have to be REALLY hungry to want to eat.. Hope yours works out for you and best of luck


New Member
I had one that hatched this year that was like that. She went over a month without any solid food while her clutch mate was growing like a weed. After we exhausted all efforts to try to get her to eat, i decided to try some small crickets again. I threw a few 1/4" crickets in there with her and she went crazy eating them. She still wouldnt take meal worms so I had to keep a fresh supply of crickets on hand just for her. She is now growing good and will eat meal worms like all my others.. I guess some just have to be REALLY hungry to want to eat.. Hope yours works out for you and best of luck

Thanks for giving me hope, cuz I was getting to that point too, thinking he is not growing maybe there is something internally wrong. I did hand feed him 2 meal worms lastnight and HE ATE THEM!!!!! I was soooo excited.

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