Strange Behavior Again


New Member
New Jersey
I've learned not to be worried about my gecko's strange behavior. Last week he climbed into his moist hide and hasn't come out since. For the last few months he's been eating and fairly active. I've checked on him and he's fine but the last time he stayed in his hide for a long period of time was last Fall and that lasted a few months before he emerged from his hide. What causes them to decide to leave their warm hide and lie in a cold damp hide for days or weeks at a time????


New Member
Between two terrariums
Some of them do like the humid hide ... I assume he's not shedding/having trouble shedding this time?

Personally I'll let the humid hide dry out if my guy stays in there a really long time and isn't in shed; while leos will often get out and walk around while you're asleep, I know other desert critters like hamsters think moist places are prime real estate, and it's caused problems for me in the past because they don't seem to have a very strong "it's too wet/humid now, move out" instinct. My little dwarf hamsters would pile absorbent materials under their water bottles until all the water started to leak out and soak the bedding. No matter how often I "fixed" it, that's where they wanted the nest to be!

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