Striped Emerine Het. Raptor - Guda


New Member
Orlando, FL
I named this girl Guda she is another little love joy I got this season from my Patternless Striped Emerine Het. Raptor x Raptor Het. Emerine.(Hiero x Swisscheese) Both Tremper stock.
She's a little hard to label so let me know what you think.

Guda - Striped Emerine Het. Raptor hatch date 6-15-10



This is her sister.
Cheddar-Striped Emerine Het. Raptor

This is Swisscheese- Giant Raptor Het. Emerine.


New Member
Are those related to mine? Oh and ill take pics for you soon of my gecko! He's got a lot more color =)


New Member
Love all the emerine stuff!....You have been producing some gorgeous stuff this season Matias!...Congrats man!


New Member
Orlando, FL
Are those related to mine? Oh and ill take pics for you soon of my gecko! He's got a lot more color =)

They are half related, same daddy Hiero. I cant wait to see what Zoolander looks like!!! He might have been my best from Salsas clutch.

GreenKnight Exotics

New Member
Toronto Canada
Great looking het RAPTORs and RAPTORs!
One question though,...who duped you into buying a "het Emerine" lol!!! It's a polygenic trait, and even at that it's just a lower-grade SHT. What's next,..het for Tangerine? lolololol!!!! Sorry to sound rude,'s not my intention, honestly, it's just with the whole "emerine" garbage,'s how you make an awesome "emerine",...take a high-grade SHTCTB and breed it to a normal,!! Emerines!!
Ever notice how much green colour is left on these "emerines" when they're adults?
Wait,..maybe I'm confusing them with het Emerines lol!!!


Gecko Medic
Ft Monroe,VA / Danville,NH
Personally with the "Emerine" gene/morph I have seen some wild color variants and patterns. I wouldn't call it a lower-grade SHT. Tremper even explains the Emerine as being a Emerald bred to a Tangerine on his website. Being negative about some ones animal that he is proud of isn't really a positive way to go... I would think at least you would PM him that kind of stuff instead of putting the guy on blast. explained right there

GreenKnight Exotics

New Member
Toronto Canada
Being negative about some ones animal that he is proud of isn't really a positive way to go... I would think at least you would PM him that kind of stuff instead of putting the guy on blast. explained right there

Would you think that it's better to mislead the public who are new to leopard geckos and their genetics, to those who are possibly aspiring breeders or who are new breeders, that come to this site for accurate, honest information? I don't.
Perhaps I am not "P.C." enough, and for that I apologize. I will not apologize however for stating truths, like that there is no such thing as "het" for "Emerine", and that "Emerines" are simply the last "kick at the can" for certain big breeders to squeeze more $$ out of their loyal patrons.
I also wasn't negative towards the OP in the slightest,..I started my post by saying "Great looking RAPTORs and het RAPTORs!", that's a compliment where I come from. It's also a true assessment as to what the pictured geckos are "mutation" wise. Emerine is not a mutation,'s a mix of clean, bright tangerine coloured geckos with "normal" type geckos, that's all. Sorry to be "rude", but that's all that they are, polygenic traits work like that.

Again, they're great looking geckos, that unfortunately for the OP will lose 95-100% of their "emerald" look as they reach maturity, but nonetheless, great looking RAPTORs and het RAPTORs.


New Member
Orlando, FL
Great looking het RAPTORs and RAPTORs!
One question though,...who duped you into buying a "het Emerine" lol!!! It's a polygenic trait, and even at that it's just a lower-grade SHT. What's next,..het for Tangerine? lolololol!!!! Sorry to sound rude,'s not my intention, honestly, it's just with the whole "emerine" garbage,'s how you make an awesome "emerine",...take a high-grade SHTCTB and breed it to a normal,!! Emerines!!
Ever notice how much green colour is left on these "emerines" when they're adults?
Wait,..maybe I'm confusing them with het Emerines lol!!!

First of all. You need to change your tone.... Don't be silly.

The SHTCTB comment is just laughable. I have tons of examples why this is just wrong.

No dominant hypo gene in Emerines.

Emerines are pretty much a non albino Aptor Het. Raptor that came from Ron Tremper working towards and creating the Aptor. In turn also getting the Raptor(Eclipse) genetics. This in animal was then line bred to look like it does know. The key word is "line bred" polygenics.

I love talking about genetics and I'm glad you bring this up. You can't have a heterozygous for polygenetic traits. But you can line bred polygenetic traits into a line of animals to the point where it can act like a het. Your not going to get text book percentages but you will get results. Depending how many generations the traits have been line bred into the animals you're using. You might even get high percentages.

This right here is a perfect example. Swisscheese is a Raptor Line Bred to carry the Emerine polygenics. And she does.

Swisscheese- Giant Raptor Het. Emerine.

This is her hatchling a text book example of a high end Emerine. She's so colorful she looks like plastic. Tremper has a pic of one that looks just like her on his home page.

Cheddar-Striped Emerine Het. Raptor (non edited photo)

I can understand the miss labeling of the term het.. But this is how Ron wrote it and it refers to the animal carrying the Emerine Polygenic Traits. High end breeders set the standards for a morph. It's up to the customer/breeder/market to understand these standards and know what a high quality example of a morph looks like compared to a low quality example. To protect themselves and everyones hard work.

I'm all for protecting the customer. I'm one as well.

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