Thanx Dad!


The bird Is The Word
Birmingham, Uk
So one of my leos stoped eating and i put him in a seperate tank strait away and with no success and a month went by with him not eating and he was wasting away i felt very bad and then my dad suggested putting him back in with the others and i told him it wasent a very good idea but he insisted i did and what do u no hes back eating again better than all the others lol so now all ive gotta put up with my dad saying im always right everytime i walk past him lol but ive still got the task of fatning him back up

i did go to the vets and i must say they was usless and very expensive
sorry for the long writing but im just over the moon at the moment!:D


Hahaha...don't you just hate it when your parents are right. I wonder why putting him back with the other geckos promoted his eating.

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
Geckos aren't lonely.

I honestly think it's food competition. If I was offered food every day, I'd know it was always there and i wouldn't care. I'd have all the food in the world. If I have food being offered, and I have to share, aw hells naw. I'd gobble it up and claim what's mine!

Lol. I really wouldn't, but from a geckos perspective.

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
He probably wasn't eating because he was the "weakest" or "slowest" hunter. Putting him by himself, he realized he had all the food he wanted that wouldn't go anywhere. Putting him back in, after he got used to all the food he can eat, he got selfish and decided to compete.

Just a theory. It's not fact.

Survival. If he doesn't have competition, he won't care if he eats every day, he knows the food will be there tomorrow. But when the factor of another animal eating HIS food comes into play, it's the strongest and fastest that gets the food.

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
Maybe. Or your temps in the tank you had him in were too cold, or the move stressed him out.

I'm not a vet, I stated clearly it was a THEORY. So drop the sarcasm.

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
This is my theory, broken down with different possibilities.

Didn't eat in the tank with the others because he was the weakest hunter.

You moved him by himself. Which probably stressed him out to the point of not eating. Moving from a tank with tankmates to being in isolation is a huge change. They're not social, but it's still stressful for change. Different smells and such. Stress can make them not eat.
or, theory for not eating by himself:
He was bored, and figured the food wouldn't go anywhere. I have a few leos that I have to not feed for a few days every couple weeks to get them to eat again, because they got spoiled and smart figuring the food will always be there.

You put him back in the tank, he was starving from theory 1, and hunted/ate.
You put him back in the tank, theory 2, he had competition, and decided to eat before there was none left from the other(s).


The bird Is The Word
Birmingham, Uk
i think ure going over the top with the theory's a bit lol im just happy he's eating again whatever happend it happend for the better id rather him eat than starve by his lonely self:)


The bird Is The Word
Birmingham, Uk
90 warm side 80 cool side i have them in racks. there is no temp drop at night
my first three leo's are in the one and only tank when he wasent eating i moved him into a empty space in the rack!

if u get that lol
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