Ive got a state-of-the-art air tempature stablization system called Heating which keeps the house ~70 degrees throughout winter. It works very well.
Ive got a state-of-the-art air tempature stablization system called Heating which keeps the house ~70 degrees throughout winter. It works very well.
I don't really know what is perfect for optimal health and comfort, but my best guess would be that 75-80 would be a nice temp. for the cool side. Since the hot side is 90-92, I don't think 85 degrees would be enough of a gradient, but 82 and below seems good to me. I think temps in the low 60s put them into hibernation.
Woah, lol, I didn't see that the last post was back in 2009, sorry I replyed best to let it drop again. Saw it at the top of the page.
You mean Brumation, rightleos dont go into hibernation they go into BURMATION
Woah, lol, I didn't see that the last post was back in 2009, sorry I replyed best to let it drop again. Saw it at the top of the page.
You didn't bring it back from the dead the guy above you did.
They will just end up with undigested food, infection, URI and eventually die.