The cost of stress and a humbling eye-opener.


I'm baaaaaack!
I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this or not, and I guess I'm still not sure that I do. I didn't want to bring it up at Daytona, but I did let it slip to one person, which I kinda regret just because I don't want anyone worrying about me. Unnecessary worrying is bad. Very bad.

The Saturday before Daytona (Aug. 11th) I woke up at 6:30am with an unbearable stabbing pain in my left shoulder and on the left side of my chest. I had no idea what was going on, but I figured I must have slept funny and pinched a nerve or something (which I do all the time and isn't that uncommon.) This really hurt though. The only pain I've ever experienced of that magnitude was when I had Salmonella poisoning. I prayed for it to stop, and I'm not really one for prayer.

I wanted to go back to sleep, but there was no way I could with the pain. I remember trying to figure out which hurt worse: my shoulder, or my chest. It was a strange place in my shoulder to have pain, as usually if I do heavy lifting or extensive driving it just hurts the back of my shoulder, but it was the front that hurt so bad. There was no doubt in my mind where the pain in my chest was coming from though. My mind started wandering and I got really scared. I tried to tough it out for a few hours, but ended up calling my mom around 9:30 or 10:00 to ask for advice. I tried to downplay it because I didn't want her to worry. Late in the evening the pain had started diminishing but it was still enough to keep me from falling asleep.

Blah this is taking too long.

I ended up going to the ER (after finally figuring out where in the hell it was) and waited over an hour to see even a nurse. I was exhausted as all heck and can't remember exactly which tests they did, but they had drawn a few vials of blood, done an EKG and something similar to an EKG, and some other shit. After waiting another hour in the cold triage room (I had been there over three hours at this point) some guy whom I'm assuming was a doctor came in to tell me what I already knew. I had had a heart attack. He didn't say much else, but had me return to the waiting room. I fell asleep in the chair a few times, and surprisingly the pain had subsided. My shoulder felt tired, but that was it. After waiting out there for 2 1/2 hours after he told me I had a heart attack, my neck was beginning to hurt and I wanted nothing more than to go home and go to bed. The doctors and nurses kept looking at me as they came in and out of the waiting room calling other people back for things like "I just had unprotected sex" and "my son got bit by our cat" and "my baby has diarrhea" I couldn't wait any longer. I got up and left.

Once in a while since then I've felt my heart twitch or skip a beat here and there, but the pain hasn't come back. I'm assuming the attack roused my tachycardia causing the weird little blips that I've felt since then. I was pretty worried about driving all the way to Daytona and back by myself, and it had me all flustered and caused me to keep stalling when I was supposed to be packing up and leaving. Fortunately I didn't have any troubles driving, and I actually think that worrying about it helped keep me awake.

I feel bad about lying to my mom though. I had to call her to give her the follow-up after going to the ER. I only told her about the EKG and didn't tell her that the doctor guy confirmed what had happened. I tried to minimize it and compare it to the tachycardia I had about five years ago after my dad died. She's still concerned about my stress and health, but nowhere near as fanatical as she would be had I told her the truth. I guess I lied to her to protect her, and there's nothing that she could do about it anyway. I think it's better that she not know; for her own sake.

Thus the 'eye-opener'. I have trouble accepting the fact that I'm human and I have limits. I love my geckos more than anything (except my family, friends and Jersey) but I have to be realistic about what I'm capable of. I don't think the number of geckos would have been an issue had I not been moving this summer, but I want to remind myself that I need a life outside of geckos as well. I'm going to gradually cut back on my leos but keep a variety and add a few other species for my own enjoyment. I need to quit smoking, and have actually been very successful at cutting back in the last month or so. The Daytona trip was a bit of a lapse, but I'm still on the right path. I have to remind myself that it wouldn't take much for me to be very healthy. After all, it's not like I have to lose weight. heh heh Actually, I could probably stand to gain a little. ;)

pffft. Okay it's naptime.

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Whoa...I knew what you were going to say before I even opened the thread. I know you say not to worry, but I can't help it. :p I'm glad everything is OK, but I also hope you're going to see a cardiologist soon. Don't mess around with that crap because I want you to be around for a long time. Without ya, then I'd have to claim the "biggest freak" title.

Cutting back isn't such a bad idea. I'd say take the semster off at school, if you hadn't already gotten all set up. Take some time to smell the roses, that sort of stuff.


New Member
Central California
Oh Paul!! Please take care of yourself! Shanti is right - a trip to the cardiologist is in order. I visited one after my panic attack - just to be sure the ER doctor had been right. Considering the awful treatment you got in the ER, I think it would be an especially good idea. If Kelli doesn't know of a good one directly, I'm sure my Aunt would (my Uncle had heart issues for 30+ years). :iloveyou:


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Paul, Im so sorry! Don't think of it as lying to your mom, my mom told me a long time ago that not telling the whole truth is not a lie, you just didn't tell the whole story and I know it was to protect her.

You need to take better care of yourself and for sure go see a cardio, Ive gone and they aren't that bad if you find a good one.


I'm baaaaaack!
Grinning Geckos said:
I'd say take the semster off at school, if you hadn't already gotten all set up.

I recently decided school wasn't going to happen this semester. I know I could make it work, but then reality gave me one of them double-dope slaps. Just because I can, doesn't mean I should. I'm going to let UNT know what's up, and defer my enrollment until the spring semester. I'm sure they'll oblige, given what they charge for out-of-state tuition and all.

It was more than just not telling my mom the whole truth though. She flat out asked if they told me whether or not I had a heart attack. She knows too much about these things to not know what questions to ask. Part of me thinks that she knows I wasn't 100% truthful, but at the same time I think that if she does know, she doesn't want to believe it. I guess it doesn't make much difference. Talking to my younger brothers tonight was rough though. Mom told them about it and it's very much so a big concern of theirs. It was just further confirmation that I need to take better care of myself so that I can take better care of my family and so that I am around when they need me.

Honestly I'm beginning to realize how unimportant my education is. I don't know why I feel that I am required to obtain an admirable education just to be "worthy." Fuck that. I know I'm pretty smart--even though I make stupid decisions. I can't escape the family history of heart disease, but I can escape the family mandate of trying to prove that I'm somehow "better". ...yet another quality I got from my dad in addition to a weak heart, fucked up shoulder sockets, co-dependency issues, and pre-mature graying hair. I'm trying really hard not to hate him right now. I accept that I'm a mix of my mom's and my dad's characteristics, but when I realize that all of my negative attributes came from him and that everything good in me I owe to my mom it's really difficult to not want to piss on his grave.
Last edited:


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Oh Paul! Please...please...please go to the cardiologist! My mother had a heart attack right in front of me one day, neither of us knew what had happened, until a few weeks later when she had another bigger heart attack that landed her in the hospital. I am sure that if she would have gone to her doctor after the first one, the second one wouldn't have happened.

You have so many people that love you and want you around for a VERY long time! Please don't be stubborn and not go to the doctor.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I think that if anyone deserves some time off, it's you. I can't even imagine the stress of moving so far on top of all of the others things you've had going on.


I'm baaaaaack!
It's not just me being stubborn about going to a cardiologist. It's embarrassing even if there is a family history of it. Besides, after the way the ER doctor guy was so nonchalant about it... Also, my dad's heart attack should NOT have been a surprise. He had been seeing a doctor routinely and had all of the classic symptoms and pre-dispositions. That doctor totally failed. I've always hated that doctor, and he was WAY too nice to us after dad died. I KNOW that fucker was afraid of a malpractice suit and he would have been toast because it was ALL RIGHT THERE in his file.

Anyway, I probably won't be online much for an indefinite period of time because Charter SUCKS. I'm back to laying on the floor upstairs using my neighbor's connection on my laptop. To top off their shitty service, they just sent me a bill for $200 even though I signed up for their "promotion" that was supposed to be $80 / month for 6 months. I should call them, but I can't do it without getting irate and that wouldn't be good. heh

I know I'm pissing off a lot of potential customers right now and that's stressing me out too. I can't even access my fucking email, and despite the HUGE announcement on the front page of my website, people haven't been leaving me alone. I swear if I get one more inquiry asking me if I'll export to HAMM I'll kill someone. It says right on my website that I DO NOT EXPORT. Jesus...

To top things off, I'm 2000 miles past my due oil change on the Charger and I can't drive my truck until I get it in for an estimate. I'm new in town, damnit; I don't even know where to begin with that shit. Besides, there's a huge fucking trailer parked behind the truck that I'd have to move in order to get it out of the garage. I could seriously go over to the neighbor's house and snap "What's up buddy's" neck. Fucker could not have picked a worse time to back into me. His insurance company is being a little fuck too. They sent me a letter saying that since I didn't contact them they're denying any claim and they're closing it. Fortunately MY insurance company is right on the ball and they're putting the screws to his. Since I haven't been driving it, they're even seeking compensation for disabling the vehicle. heh heh heh I bet the daily rent on a comparable SUV isn't cheap.

Fuck fuck fuck.

I want to post some adults for sale, but having to do it with the laptop and my neighbor's connection would SUCK. Besides, I can't access my email or my FedEx account anyway. Jeeze this is retarded.

I had fun bringing my Fat Tails out of brumation this morning though. They're so damn cool and they were happy to see their new cribs. Plus the goniosaurus I got from Jason are cool as shit and I made them a sweet little shack. I'll have to take pictures, but who knows how long it'll be until I can post them. Okay that's enough rambling. The carpet is hurting my elbows. lol


I'm baaaaaack!
The fear of suffering the MOGL's wrath prompted me to put a call into the cardiology center with the biggest ad in the yellow pages. I'm just waiting to hear back on an appointment time for next week.

NOW I can go get the oil changed on my car. ;)


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
PaulSage said:
The fear of suffering the MOGL's wrath prompted me to put a call into the cardiology center with the biggest ad in the yellow pages. I'm just waiting to hear back on an appointment time for next week.

NOW I can go get the oil changed on my car. ;)

Thank God for the MOGL! We are all worried about you Paul!


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Don't feel bad about going to the cardiologist. Heart attacks don't always = bad health so don't feel that way. My dad had his first heart attack in his early 40's and had eaten a healthy diet and exercised everyday for most of his life. The cardiologists finally diagnosed him with arrhythmia and high blood pressure (from his dad). All he had to do was take the prescribed medicine to keep it under control but he was too proud. It took 2 more heart attacks for him to realize that it wasn't something he had caused, it was genetic and he needed to take his meds. He's felt great since and has aced all of his check ups. Let the doctors do their jobs and don't feel bad about taking a break from life.

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.


I'm baaaaaack!
Thanks for the link, Shanti. I'm going to ask my phone company (Grande Communications) if they offer DSL in my area, and if not I'll be checking with RoadRunner / Warner to see what they can offer since I'll be needing a new cable tv service too. I can't wait to call Charter and tell them they're fired. I spent almost two hours on the phone with them the other day trying to get my internet working again, and after getting transferred to the 7th person, they told me it was because I have an Alienware computer. Then I asked them if they can help me get it set up on my Dell lappy. Nope, Dell is apparently incompatible with their service too. I asked if we could try connecting my eMachines back up computer and got the same response. So apparently it's all my fault for having Alienware, Dell and Gateway (eMachines). Isn't that fucked up? lol

Anyway, I was trying to think of things I can do that would be less stressful and all that the other day. I went out and bought a bunch of acrylics, brushes and canvases. With the exception of painting walls, I haven't picked up a brush in 8-9 years. I guess we'll see what happens.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Paul, I can not stress enough that you really need to take care of yourself. I have not read all of this thread because I have some running around to do. But as soon as I read heart attack and you being just like every typical stuborn man I know about taking care of yourself I had to chime in. Please for you and everyone that you care about take care of yourself and don't put off seeing a Dr. It could all very well be stress levels that you've had most of your life or just stress from recent events. Find out how much damage has already been done and go from there. You are never too young, healthy, or strong to have a heart condition.

Spanky was feeling those same pains but would not go see a Dr. that morning and I didn't even have time to go over the symptoms and decided to call 911 before he had his heart attack. It all happened in a matter of 15 min from the time I woke up.

Denial is the thing that kills most.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Hey Paul, if you don't end up liking the cardiologist you have an appointment with I got a number for you. This was my Dad's cardiologist in Ft. Worth who is amazing, my dad loves him and he hates doctors!

Dr. C.K. Nair MD
909 9th Ave. Ste. 202
Ft. Worth, TX 76104
office: 817 877 4105
fax: 817 336 1409


I'm baaaaaack!
Thanks, Mel. If I ain't thrilled with the doctor I see next week, I'll give him a call. So far I'm not terribly impressed with his office because they take two-hour lunch breaks and didn't seem to think there was any rush to get me in despite what happened. :shrug: Heart health seems to get a lot more attention back in Wisconsin. I know that in the Milwaukee area they started a new screening procedure a few years ago that they called a "heart scan" that was, from my understanding, a full evaluation of your heart and cardiovascular health. It only costs $2500 there. This guy's office (I can't remember his name) had no idea what I was referring to with a "heart scan" and the receptionist thought I was asking about a "stress test" which costs $5500 here and takes two days. I'm not sure what the point of a stress test is; I know I have stress, I think it would be a waste of time to "test" for it. Besides, being away from my animals for two days would probably cause more stress. lol

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
"Stress Test" refers to seeing how your heart does under "stress" versus "non-stress". To you and me that means they hook you up to wires, make you run, and see if you keel over.

I've heard of the heart scan ... it's like an advanced MRI.


Just Kelli's Husband
St. Louis, MO

The stress test should not take 2 days. I had it done a few years ago and it is only part of one day. They hook you up and make you run on a treadmill and also some work on some stair step machines.

I have also had a heart scan done. This was done through Radiology Associates of Tarrant County and it costs $1400 if you have to pay for it yourself. It is a high tech MRI type of thing that takes a look at your heart and your cardiovascular system. They inject you with an iodine based dye into your circulatory system then do the various scans. If you are allergic to iodine let them know. I found out the hard way that I was and did not know it. I broke out in the worst case of hives I have ever had and it did not show up till the next day. It was so bad it kept me out of work for 2 days.

Anyway, call us if you have any questions. Hope that it all works out for you.



I'm baaaaaack!
Thanks A LOT Steve for the info. I think I might contact that office to see if I can have the scan done before my appt. with the other doc. I didn't remember one of my dad's stress tests taking even a whole day, so when they told me it would be two full days I pretty much wrote it off. I know I'm not allergic to Iodine, which is a good thing. I was playing with that stuff all the time at the Vet Clinic.

Shanti said:
"Stress Test" refers to seeing how your heart does under "stress" versus "non-stress". To you and me that means they hook you up to wires, make you run, and see if you keel over.

I've never had a problem with physical exertion affecting my heart so I don't think the stress test would be that effective. If they want to see how I respond to stress, they would've had to hook me up to wires a month ago when I was still moving. lol

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