So I was taking a shower yesterday and when I got out I realized that the thing holding the toilet paper was broken.So I'm still in a towel and I go get some super glue. I'm there naked gluing this thing back on. Well Kylie calls for me and I go to open the door......my hand is stuck on the wall! So I pull because I figured it couldn't have been that stuck. It still wasn't coming off. And it was really burning from trying to pull it off. So I tell Kylie to come to the bathroom. When I realized that the door was locked I put my head on my knee......GOT STUCK! So I'm there with my forehead stuck to my knee and my right hand stuck to the wall! NAKED! So I tell Kylie to pass my cell phone under the door. She did and I called my boyfriend and asked him to come home. Well he couldn't make it home. I told Kylie how to unlock the door from the outside and she did it. I still had my phone so I called my mom. She told me to get some alcohol or some hot water. I couldn't reach anything.I dropped the phone and it hung up. Well my mom got freaked out and calls 911. WHY!? I was not hurt! Well a few minutes later I hear my mom pull up and she is talking to someone. She has a key so she came in. The bathroom door was unlocked but closed. She opens it and behind her are these 2 EMS guys. And they are just laughing histerically at me. I'm sure my face was beet red.So after I was unstuck(not sure if that is even a word) I got dressed and apologized to the EMS guys. They were still laughing as they drove off. No more super glue for me.