The VA


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
My husband passed away two years ago. He was denied any medical coverage after serving his time that he was drafted for, because his company "grossed" too much. They didn't even want to take into concideration how much over head the company had and what his actual take home was because he paid himself through a 1099 as a subcontractor for the company. If they had gone by the amount on the 1099 he would have gotten coverage. However they tell him that if his health worsens other than just diabietes with something like say heart condition, he will be able to get coverage......He died from a massive heart attack caused by the diabietes.

Well today on the anniversary of his death I recieve from the VA health Eligibility Center, a letter that they have raised the income threshold and that he should contact them to see if he was elegible. :main_rolleyes: Well needless to say I called them and gave them a piece of my mind. Other than the lady realizing I was pissed about the health coveage, I asked her how he he got death benifets for his funeral yet they have no idea that he's dead. She then tells me I have to send them a copy of the death you guys have it!!! How do you think I got the flag and crap for his funeral?

Oh and I love that he wanted to donate his organs but I'm really tired of all the stuff I'm getting from Life Banc. They are still sending stuff on how to cope with his passing.


New Member
The VA helps the best the US government will allow. I have 2 uncles and 2 aunts that retired from the VA and believe me, admin had thier hands tied so they stated.

I understand your frustration and know from a few friends who served in Samolia and Iraq that it's a pain in the butt to get proper help and coverage at times.


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
My dad served in two wars and he's had to fight the VA to get his pension (I think that's what it would be called in this case). He was supposed to receive so many payments after his retirement but they cut it short for some reason. He almost had to take them to the Supreme Court to get what they owed him.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
My dad was medically discharged from the Navy after becoming so sick they thought he was going to die. His lungs had become so scared from working with explosives. After almost 40 years he just finally got 100% disability this year!! **Six years ago a VA doctor told my dad he was going to recomend full disability for him, and before he was able to finish the paper work the VA doctor was transfered and no one could locate him.

My uncle that served in the first gulf war got very sick when he came home as many of them did because of the NON FDA EXPERIMENTAL DRUGS they used on our service men. He is still fighting for some form of benefits, almost 20 years later. The main issue of his dispute is the government had most of the guys medical files prior to their shipping stored at Homestead Airforce base in South FL and Hurricane Andrew wiped it out and all the medical files to prove their health prior to shipping out have been lost.

**This is actually something that I've heard of happening a few times. I've also heard of VA doctors telling vets off the record they would love to give them full disability because they deserve it but are told they can not in fear of loosing their jobs or being transfered. :main_thumbsdown:


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
When my son got home from Iraq, he was listed as "Mentally unstable - Fit for duty."
Okay.... What?
So 3 months after returning home and getting this "diagnosis", he was sent to GITMO!!
They sent him to be what they called, "A cage kicker."
Within 6 months, my son completely had a meltdown and had to be hospitalized for severe depression, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts and irratic behavior. All symptoms of PTSD.

He now has to live with hearing loss, limited mobility because of shrapnel permanently imbedded into his body and combat related PTSD.

When he tried to get disability from the VA, they did their everything they could to try to say these were not service related injuries!!!

Again I ask.... Um... What?

And don't even get me started on how many times they've lost the kid's medical files.

My grandfather was in WWII and because he was on the wrong side of Hiroshima, he didn't get any pension or benifits whatsoever.

Who makes up this stuff? Who is it that decides who should get what? And why can't they get any of it straight?

I'm really sorry you have to deal with all the aggrevassion, Fe. We feel your pain.


Mod Squad Member
Boy, the governement is all about sending off our troops to war, and when it comes time to take care of those who served...........good grief. :main_no: Sorry Fe and everyone else who's had to deal with this garbage. :main_thumbsdown:


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
The really sad part about all this is these guys and gals are not just out their fighting for our freedom, and not just risking their lives, they are risking their lives as they know it even after they come home safely. They should be taken care of once they come home to insure they have a normal life or as normal as it can be for them.

I truly disgusts me how our government treats them.


New Member
I know many a somolia , iraq and afghanistan vet who get crapped on by the government. I will be the first to admit I can't stand my government , but shed a tear every time I see a returning soldier in uniform or do tree work at the VA in my area.

I do not believe they are fighting for OUR freedom anymore, but sadly they are fighting for an agenda that doesn't include national security. That pisses me off even more! To think I have friends who went into the marines /army/navy a stable well rounded human and returned an empty shell of what they once were.

The government has done the minimum to help them overcome issues that have and to readjust to society.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
I know many a somolia , iraq and afghanistan vet who get crapped on by the government. I will be the first to admit I can't stand my government , but shed a tear every time I see a returning soldier in uniform or do tree work at the VA in my area.

I do not believe they are fighting for OUR freedom anymore, but sadly they are fighting for an agenda that doesn't include national security. That pisses me off even more! To think I have friends who went into the marines /army/navy a stable well rounded human and returned an empty shell of what they once were.

The government has done the minimum to help them overcome issues that have and to readjust to society.

Maybe I should have said "Freedom", since I do agree. Mostly I was talking about the vets that have been back for many years and are still fighting for something. So whether it's "freedom" or government agendas' they should still be taking care of these men and women.


New Member

I am very pationate about this subject as I see you are to.

I agree that those who went to WW2, Korea and Vietnam are poorly taken care of too. No matter what the agenda, the bottom line is they went to war for our government and they are not showing the appreciation that any decent human would show a dog, let alone a human.

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