They're mating! what next?


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
It finally happened! The male that has been bossed around walked up to female started doing his little love bites and didn't get beat up! Female excepted, and after a little awkwardness they are locked together right now!

So my question is when do I look for eggs!?

Have a rather large natural vivarium with lots of plants, should i try putting a box somewhere to cox her to lay in box as apposed to digging in dirt? What do you guys generally do?

Megan Sandbox

Have you ever done research on breeding cresteds before?

You should have a laybox, but if she doesnt lay in the box, dont be surprised. If you have substrate on the bottom of your tank, she might choose to lay there too. I suggest you do a little bit more research before you try and look for your crested's eggs, though. She will lay generally 30 days after a successful mating, and only two eggs at a time.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
I agree, obviously enough research has not been done if you are asking this type of question.

More then likely if the tank is planted, if you have a dirt substrate she will lay in there, and if not then her next step would be to lay in the plants. So what I would do is try covering the base of the plant with large stones or make a screen cover for it and place a few stones on it to keep it secure as you really dont want her digging in the pots. Then take a plastic food storage container, cut a hole in the top. The medium will vary per person, some use eco earth, I personally use perlite for both my lay box ad my incubation medium.
As Megan said, she will normally lay her eggs in about 30 days. If she is a virgin, odds are high that the eggs are infertile. Virgin females first season tend to be really weird (again something you would have found out durring research), they lay alot of infertile clutches, or one good egg and one bad egg, or simply only lay one egg. Sometimes all eggs are good except the first clutch, but most often they are very random.

Here are some links I think you really should read over before she lays her eggs and you start having babies on your hand. I think it is something everyone considering breeding not only cresteds, but any species of reptile should consider before taking the step into breeding because it is alot more then just putting a male and female together.

Just to give you an idea on how many people you are up against, and this is only a small fraction of the people on pangea who breed, and other breeders who do not visit that forum

And something that can happen to the male

I know it seems like alot to read, but if you are serious on this matter you will read it all, they all have alot of really good information there from mistakes seasoned breeders have made so you can avoid them, and some things you should consider first before breeding.


New Member
i will just answer your Question, i mean for you to be "clueless" i think is kinda funny. Am SURE your just asking What other people do for there breeding pairs... Not what to do because you have no idea whats going to happen...

If you already have a cage and its filled with dirt, dont even bother putting in a laybox, she will dig around in her cage and lay 2 eggs. After breeding about 30 days she will Lay some eggs, (becareful cleaning the cage at this time) she will hide them. Once you find them...and do a controlled happy dance.... i mark them, (Make a dot on the egg) then remove them to a cup, Filled with almost 1.1 water to Perlite i like it pretty wet, add the eggs and i normally dont even candle them. since If they hatch they hatch! if not...well you get it! oh and i keep mine out in 70'sF and they sit on a shelf for about 60-90 days and you get babies. Have fun, AND good luck!!!!

you dont need other people telling you what you did me IF the eggs die or in some other way get ruined by you that is Enough Punishment in my book. reason i say that is because i can see some people talking your head off Because you Asked for help, sometimes you might try to do research but your still not sure......Shame on you! like this is some kinda Forum for people that need help with there geckos!.....Oh is?!... :main_thumbsup:​


New Member
It's going to be a pain finding the eggs in a natural habitat. No need for a laybox, as mentioned by the others.

Try the links that James posted.

Definitely do research BEFORE breeding not after.

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