This guy is my new gem...


New Member
the female will come a little later on!

Strophurus taenicauda


Double LY

A gem indeed. That's the coolest thing I've seen in a long time!!!


New Member
Nice strophurus species indeed. Do you work with any of the other species in that genus? strophurus? ciliaris? I've thought about adding a few species to my breeding program, but I fear they will be too addictive. Thanks for sharing!


New Member
Haroldo said:
Nice strophurus species indeed. Do you work with any of the other species in that genus? strophurus? ciliaris? I've thought about adding a few species to my breeding program, but I fear they will be too addictive. Thanks for sharing!

This is our first one and I hope it will work...
I am very allergic over for crickets, mealworms and other insects, and it´s getting more and more bad.
Sometimes I can´t open the Leopardsboxes without getting sick, even though I´m on constant astmamedication by now.

A couple of years ago we had a beautiful Phelsuma and that worked without any problems, probably beacuse of the more moist habitat...
This speices shall have a bit more moist then Leopards, so maybe it will work!

It´s hard to thinking of letting go of the Leopards after all these years...but I don´t think I have any choise :(
We will keep and breed them next year too, for sure. Thanks to Henrik that is doing a hard work...but after that???

When I look at my Leopards it´s hard to take a 100% decision about stoping...I have tried for a couple of years, but every season ends with " only next year too"...


New Member
GekkoGalaksen said:
This is our first one and I hope it will work...
I am very allergic over for crickets, mealworms and other insects, and it´s getting more and more bad.
Sometimes I can´t open the Leopardsboxes without getting sick, even though I´m on constant astmamedication by now.

A couple of years ago we had a beautiful Phelsuma and that worked without any problems, probably beacuse of the more moist habitat...
This speices shall have a bit more moist then Leopards, so maybe it will work!

It´s hard to thinking of letting go of the Leopards after all these years...but I don´t think I have any choise :(
We will keep and breed them next year too, for sure. Thanks to Henrik that is doing a hard work...but after that???

When I look at my Leopards it´s hard to take a 100% decision about stoping...I have tried for a couple of years, but every season ends with " only next year too"...

Gid jer kunne opfatte hvad Jeg er omkring hen til sige , men her ovre går : Jeg er bedrøvelig hen til høre om jeres allergier hos føder. Den er beklagelig at sig må være skyld i jer afsked hos jeres afholdt pets. Jer arbejdede hos Phelsuma? Eller hvad art? JEG operere med 10 eller sådan omtrent nu og bare se efter fik flere. De er smuk geckos er ikke de? JEG håber oprigtigt du er købedygtig opbevare i orden hos geckos , nemlig de er få at nyde den længe - periode indvielse jer og jeres husband ( benåde selv om Jeg er formoder forkert ) gøre indtryk af at være nyde. Mange ønsker for alvor lykke oven på jeres anlægsarbejder. Hos sort hilsen ,

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