robin said:LOL guy. no she is cb. she is several years old but not too terribly old. actually she is het for RW albino but her color and pattern is that of a normal looking leopard
robin said:ok this is what a normal phase leopard gecko looks like
yeah ok its not the best photo and a bit washed out. she is actually a bit darker. NO SHE IS NOT a melanistic gecko just a NORMAL
robin said:i have been to that link and know it very well. i am saying this is what a normal leopard gecko looks like in captivity. no a wild caught gecko
what we are dealing with here is integrates ans sub species cross, the geckos we have today. admit it they are muts. but it doesnt put a spin on whats normal but rather what is normal for a certain subspecies, a true full blooded animal from a particular species, whether those be wild caughts or wild animals.Gazz said:Yes but when you think that a captive leo has the blood of most of them speices sub'speices in that link.Don't you think it put a differant spin of whats normal (E turcmenicus) for example look like you more typical reduced normal some may even call hi-yellow and yet that patternling is farly normal for the speices.
I completely, 100% agree with you Robin, I'd rather have a pure blood than any other Leopard Gecko.robin said:NOW those to me are the true gems of the trade. i dont care about the color of them but rather the rarity of pure subspecies.