tiny baby



I had to go to the evil pet-store chain to get my kids their feeders. As per usual, I check the leos so I can be annoyed. There in the corner was the tiniest one I have ever seen. It was in the middle of a shed and looked dead. I decided I would take it if it was still alive. It was and it is now in a better baby environment. I had to help it with its shed. It's an ornery little guy - squeaked and bit. But it did settle down for the cleaning. This little fella is smaller than a pencil and its tail is the size of a pencil lead. He comes out and drinks quite a bit but I haven't gotten him to attack a worm yet. (the tiniest of mealies). I got him Saturday evening. My question is - how long should I let him go without eating? All my other hatchlings have darted out for mealies right away. I'm guessing this little guy is less than a week old although he could be older than that and had a shed from losing weight. He stands up tall and walks well, is alert and can see. He's even had the tiniest of poos. He is incredibly small.


aww that's why I can't go into chain pet stores anymore, if I do I know what's going to happen I will flip on those crappy people they hire to take care of the reptiles.

I have used slurry on one of my gecko's and I truly think it saved her life.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
For some of my little guys who don't seem to be getting the mealworms at first, I hold them in one hand and press a mealworm against the mouth with the other. Most of them will take them that way. It's worth a try before going for the slurry.



Will try those suggestions this evening after work. Thanks all.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Good luck! I've seen a a couple of stores here in Houston with a bunch of tiny crypto babies. If the name of the chain ended in co, keep a close eye on it. Hopefully he/she's fine and just freaked out from being in the new environments way too young.


New Member
Dansville, NY
This is why I have to avoid local pet store chains because iwould end up buying everything there because they sucked at taking care of reptiles.


Unfortunately it's the only feeder store around. I've talked to every one there about the leo environment but they assure me it is vet approved. I cannot believe that they still house them like that since almost all info now says how to do it properly including the books on their shelves! Anyhow, I just could not leave this little guy there. I've never done that before - usually I get my feeders, check the leos, get pissed off, bitch out the manager, pay, and leave. Our Petsmart does house them on carpet but the last time I checked, they had leos and fat tails together. The Petsmart's feeders are also really bad. The Petco houses poorly but has good feeders. So, they just have to put up with my bitching them out every time I go there.
I think the little guy might be eating on his own. The little mealies are vanishing but I haven't seen him grab one. I've checked the usual mealie hiding spots and haven't seen any so here's hoping...
Meanwhile, Dottie, Jasper, Jem, Skipper and mom and dad are wondering where their dinner is. So off to the spoiled kids who will only eat one at a time and it has to be from the tweezers so it takes a while to get them all fed. But it's a pretty tame batch so it's worth it.


New Member
McDonough, Ga
brandy101010 said:
I would try the slurry. Good luck!

I would definately go with the slurry, and I know its hard when you go in a pet store, looking at some of those animals and how they aren't taken care of (in some cases) is hard to deal with.

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