I had to go to the evil pet-store chain to get my kids their feeders. As per usual, I check the leos so I can be annoyed. There in the corner was the tiniest one I have ever seen. It was in the middle of a shed and looked dead. I decided I would take it if it was still alive. It was and it is now in a better baby environment. I had to help it with its shed. It's an ornery little guy - squeaked and bit. But it did settle down for the cleaning. This little fella is smaller than a pencil and its tail is the size of a pencil lead. He comes out and drinks quite a bit but I haven't gotten him to attack a worm yet. (the tiniest of mealies). I got him Saturday evening. My question is - how long should I let him go without eating? All my other hatchlings have darted out for mealies right away. I'm guessing this little guy is less than a week old although he could be older than that and had a shed from losing weight. He stands up tall and walks well, is alert and can see. He's even had the tiniest of poos. He is incredibly small.