To many aquariums not enough pets


New Member
As the title says I have a lot of aquariums floating around. I am a avid fishkeeper. I have 6 Fish tanks currently ranging from 10 gallons to 180 Gallons.
As my fish get older I have bought larger tanks and combined the fish into other aquariums and now I have excess aquariums sitting around. I used to be a avid savannah monitor keeper. I also have a terrarium with a small frog in it.

Now its time for a few Geckos. I also research everything before I jump into buying it. (Learned from my own mistakes) So far from what we have seen we like the crested geckos. I will be lurking around the forums doing research and should make a purchase in the next week or so. If anyone wants pics of my fish feel free to ask I have many that I would be happy to show off.

Thanks for your time

Andy + Candice


New Member
Welcome! sounds like you have a great plan..and I have to agree that I the leopard geckos are pretty cool.

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