Tortoise Care


New Member
I'm looking to get some more information on the care of tortoises.

This is what I have in mind:
4ft Wooden Viv
Uv Light
Heat Mat
Aspen substrate
Water Bowl & Food Bowl
Hiding Boxes
In the summer months the tortoise can go outside in a run with a hiding box.

What else do I need in the cage?
What size does the heat mat need to be in relation to the Viv?
What temperature does the heat mat need to be set at?
Is Aspen alright for a substrate, is there anything better?
Is a Uv light needed, how long does it need to be on for?
Can the tortoise be keep inside all the time with the temperature controlled and
just be put out for the summer during the day and then be bought back in at night time?
If so will it still need to hibernate?



New Member
Between two terrariums
In my experience "food dish" and "water dish" translate into "poop bowls" if you don't have a big space, but maybe that's just Ed. :tongue3:
She's asleep in the bathroom right now - I've pretty much given up on caging her indoors unless she's asleep, she only digs and frets.


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
I agree with Rebecca. it depends on what tortoise you want to keep. if you want to keep out doors your climate may play a big part in what type of tortoise you will get.


New Member
I concur, though every Tortoise benefits from the outdoors. If you insist on keeping your tortoise inside, made the vivarium with the following dimensions.(__ is the tortoises length):
Length:__ x 10
Width: __ x 4
Height: __ x 2

It is important to note these are the bare minimum requirements.
I suggest making the vivarium out of wood or use a stock tank. For more info on tortoise care go to or just ask me!:D


New Member
NY you realize that within a few years the tortoise you own will be a mean, lean, 70+ pound digging machine? That tortoise will get WAY to big for you to keep indoors...unless you have a spare basement! Seriously, those tortoises need a lot of good care. Go check out THey have lots of great info for sulcata owners.


New Member
a 4 foot wooden enclosure will not be big enough by any means for a sulcata. They are best housed outside, in large pens, preferrably the entire yard as the pen.

Oh wait, someone else, not the original poster said he had a sulcata.

But, yea larger tortoises need larger enclosures. Smaller tortoises still need large enclosures. For instance, I ended up getting Russian Torts a few weeks ago. They average pretty small on the tort size list- about 6-9 inches give or take. They require 50 gallon tubs in the house, but are still best housed outside in outdoor pens of at least 6x6 for 2 at bare minimum. I had them outside today roaming, not in their pens, as the pens aren't ready, but in an area that's at least 15x10' and they were loving it. Just wish I could make their pens that entire section.

But, yea... Depending on the species, the size of the tub will vary. Bigger the better. 4*2 feet (which is about a 50 gallon tub) is generally bare minimum for one small adult tort. With any tort species, you want to have a much larger outdoor enclosure that they cannot dig or climb out of.

I wouldn't really recommend the aspen. It's not the best digging substrate. Most torts do well with a dirt (organic topsoil or bed-a-beast block dirt)/sand mix with a 50/50 ratio. I use that plus timothy/bermuda hay on one side and then cypress mulch to creat a small hill to climb on the other. UTH's generally aren't the best for wood tanks or plastic tubs. You'll want UV heat emitting bulb to get the heat. The temperature will vary on the species. I plan on using outside pens for during the day and probably at night once I see the torts won't dig out during spring and summer, and bringing them in for fall and winter.
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New Member
Between two terrariums you realize that within a few years the tortoise you own will be a mean, lean, 70+ pound digging machine? That tortoise will get WAY to big for you to keep indoors...unless you have a spare basement! Seriously, those tortoises need a lot of good care. Go check out THey have lots of great info for sulcata owners.
Oh, trust me, I've read up on sulcatas. :laugh4: She's already incredibly annoying, but what can I do ... she was living in a 20 gal. terrarium on the coffee table (same house as m'poor leo ), and when she and the gecko were liberated, they got sent here. Technically she's someone else's responsibility (I chose to keep the *gecko* :laugh4: ), but I usually feed her and keep her out of trouble. I'm the babysitter. ;)
We'll take care of her as long as possible - she stayed quite small for the years she was in the terrarium, but then, she hardly got any food. There's a whole abandoned playground across the street for her to graze in now.

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