Training to feed?

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
I have three hatchlings that just don't seem to get how to hunt. I have had mealworms in a dish since they were born, but I don't think they have ever eaten any. It's been several weeks. I don't think it's husbandry related, since I have over a dozen other leos that eat just fine. I had two clutches kept together, but had to move one out because he DID eat and was leaving them far behind. I'm trying to anticipate your questions, so... they are not enigmas, they are tremper albinos, they eat just fine when I squish the mealworms head and hold it with tongs, they just don't seem to get it when they are on the ground. I had been using a 20 oz water base, like an aquafina, ya know? I just cut the base off with a wood burning tool. Just the other day, one of them was looking pretty thin, so I took out the container, took out the paper towel substrate and just dumped about 50 mealworms in there with them loose. Didn't seem to help. It's just weird because there are three of them with the same issue at the same time, but the other one wasn't like this.

Any ideas?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I've been through this before with hatchlings and this is what has worked for me:

--feeding progression: start with assisted feeding where you hold the hatchling and poke a mealworm at the side of the mouth till it bites down. When it figures this out, you can progress to leaving the hatchling in the enclosure and touching the mealworm to its mouth. Many hatchlings ultimately get to the point where they head for your hand once it comes into the enclosure (some also think they have to "push the button" by biting your hand to get the mealworms started). In this case, you can hold the mealworm over the food bowl and drop it in there just as they head for it. Some hatchlings have done well by having me fill the bowl with mealworms and then pick up the bowl and push it into their faces.

--for some hatchlings, when they got a little bigger I switched feeders, though I prefer to bring my hatchlings up on mealworms. Some of them really went for superworms or crickets due to the size and the movement.

--in a few rare cases, when I had a gecko that just didn't get it, I would sell it at a reduced price as a "special needs" gecko that could require long term assistance.

Right now I have a gecko hatchling that may be blind but is doing well being handed mealworms and also getting the feeding dish up to the mouth. She is growing and thriving.


Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
The funny thing is that they eat just fine form the tongs and never have had a problem with it. They seem to not associate the mealworms on the ground or in a container with food. I pick them up, and instant interest.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
So try dropping the mealworms into the dish just as they grab. Or else, reconcile yourself to indefinite tong feeding which can be a problem if you're hoping to sell them to someone.


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