Under-Tank Heaters

Do you use an under-tank heater?

  • Yes

    Votes: 101 88.6%
  • No

    Votes: 13 11.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
Sacramento, CA
thanks... will have to check it out..

You can also just buy a rheostat at any pet store. It's basically the same thing but you don't have to cut any cords. Just plug in your heater and the plug the rheostat in the outlet. You start it on low then adjust the knob as you check your floor temps. Pretty easy.


Tyler B
I have a extra small heatwave desert UTH (not realizing how small it was when i bought it) it heats up the paper towel alryt but only in one spot... i use a infrared red heat lamp during the day to help with my moist hide and just the UTH at nyt.. Is this set up fine? i have a 20 gal.


JK Herp
I use a light but am going to switch to a UTH as I have found they work quite well. My friend got 2 Leos and I helped them set up and they have a UTH. Funny I should metion it because they are apparently clueless about the morph qualities. Here's the Story.

So we go to the Reptile shop to get a Leo. They pick out a 20 gallon long with everything included. Then it's the Leo picking out time. You see at this store they only have adult Leos. So all the leos are at there full coloring. The morphs they have there are SHTCT, High yellow, Bell Albino, and a Blazing Blizzard. So my friend picks out a High yellow just because he likes the looks of my leo, Spots. Anyway his sister also picks out one and I thought for sure she was going to pick out the Blazing Blizzard because the SHTCT was to expensive and the Albinos are super common also because of it's bright purple coloring. She picks out the Albino! She thought it looked cool. Anyway I use a light but i will switch because of better results and they like belly heat better.


New Member
One my 33 Gallon (36x12x12) long I have a Exo Terra Desert medium. WIth the sand/slate substrate the surface temps stays roughly 90 (+/- 3 degrees) so I don't have to use a rheostat. During the day I have a overhead 65watt bulb in the center to bring the air temp up. At night I just leave the UTH on with no other heat.


New Member
I use a uth heat mat. I am waiting for the exo-terro heat glo red lamp to arrive because my room is pretty airy and air temps can get a little lower than id like. I am also waiting on my thermostat that will regulate the temps.


Gecko Newbie
Deventer, the Netherlands
Ok this is a repost of a question i posed in a different topic, I bet I'll get a response here :)
I'm currently setting up my tank, before getting any geckos. After meeting with my local reptile vendor, he advised the following for my 100*50*50 tank:

On the left (above the built in shelter they can sit in or on) a 26W Reptile Glo, In the middle a dark blue night light and on the right a 100W Spot. (moist hide plus extra hide on the left, another hide on the right)

I dont want to buy a heatwave rock because of eventual injuries and I figured that the dark pebble patch i put on the right side should warm up enough from the light. I yet have to purchase the light bulbs and such so any recommendations on this set up are very welcome!


New Member
I use a UTH and a red bulb. For some reason they prefer it with the bulb on during the day, which heats up so the UTH actually turns off, and then when i turn the bulb off at night the UTH turns back on.

The bulb shines onto their rocky hide that they spend the day inside and it warms the hide up and the floor temps are hot enough too.

I dont know why but even though the bulb is red so they cant see it, and they live in my living room so when their light goes off my living room light comes on so its still light...they seem to know when its night time as their cage gets cooler with just the UTH.

My air temps never seemed warm enough with the UTH so thats why i decided to try the 40w bulb. I have wooden vivs so the UTH is inside but it is on a thermostat so it never gets too hot or cold.

I prefer the Komodo heat mats as they get warm enough without getting any hot spots or getting too hot.

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