Yes, he is a miracle! I thought that little wet, pinky thing was dead when I found it! But his firts shedding wasn't a success... and now when he is growing I can see there was some small skinrests on his toes, to small to see with your eye, but some up close pics told me! To day he is missing 2 toea on his right front fot:
Last week, I saw it but I couldn't get it off!:
After shedding this week, the dark toe is dead and will fall off, but I can see a ring of skinn around one more toe, but i can't get it off !
I soak them to soften the skin and then use a razor knife cutting with the scales. It helps if you aren't able to have a second person hold the gecko down. It looks like it will lose a third toe if you don't do something.
It will most likely loose the third toe... But hey, a couple of missing toes does not make it any less awesome...
I would try to get that skin ring off but it may be too late...
It so small and I'm cutting the toe if i use a knife...I've tried with a lot of water and my nails (it feels safer) but i can't get it off. And I'm afraid to hurt him so he will let the tail go and I think that's worse!
It looks like you got it in time... There seems to be blood flow to the tip... But if not, its no big deal... In the wild, leos loose alot more than just a couple of toes and they do fine...
The loss of those toes will barely even be noticable and will not take away the awesome look of that leo...