So I got a Uro about 3weeks-1month ago. I got him from a lady who really had no idea what she was doing with him just bought him for the hell of it. Well when I got him I noticed his tail needed to shed really bad. So iv soaked it a few times but havent touched it besides that. Then I saw her the other day and asked her how long his tail has been like that her answer is as long as she can remember and she has had him for two years, or her and her friend have. So I soaked his tail for around 20-30mins today and started rubbing it....it all just started coming off, alot of what I was rubbing off was just rott, shed, rotted skin. Its all off now or at least most of it. His tail is soft and most the spikes had rotted off. Is there anything I should be doing for him to help it heal?