Uroplatus Phantasticus and Ebenaui


New Member
Plano, TX
Hey Everyone! I've been out of the business for about 10 years now, and just getting back into it. I've bred mostly snakes and small mammals for years...as well as a very short stint with Crested Geckos a few years ago. So, I thought I would start with some easy to breed species, so I'm starting with some Phantasticus and Ebenaui...haha. Anyway, I currently have a small group of CB Adult Phantasticus (2.3) that I've had for almost 2 months now. All three females have already laid infertile eggs. So, it's a good sign they are laying...hopefully they will start throwing fertile ones soon. I will post pics later today or this evening. These are set up in a large, tall 27 gallon Sterilite container. I cut out two large rectangular holes in the top and melted on black mesh. I've covered one of the holes with UV lighting with a 5.0 Tropical 26 watt fluorescent bulb to keep the heat down (I've heard I don't really need lighting, but I like it), and left the other side open for ventilation...this seems to provide a good balance of humidity and ventilation. I set up lighting on a timer...13 on and 11 off in breeding season, as to not cut too much into their play time, since they are nocturnal, and they don't really enjoy harsh lighting too much. I have pretty much loaded up the inside from wall to wall with artificial plants from Hobby Lobby...just one broad leaf plant, and the rest are smaller, more dense leaves...as I see they like these better. I mist twice daily...after lights go on and off. They eat like little Pac-Men...or is it Pac-Mans? Who knows? I will post pics of set up, lighting, and gecks later this evening.

I just worked out a deal on a trio of Ebenaui, as well, which I should be receiving Thursday or Friday. I'm looking forward to getting these guys set up. I sold my trio of Sikorae to fund these guys, as I really don't like working with the larger species after experiencing the tiny ones. The smaller species are so much more exciting to watch, in my opinion.

I am new here (just signed up today), but will keep everyone posted on both groups. I do intend to keep growing both groups, as I love these things! I'll get those pics posted later. I'm definitely not a pro yet, but from what I've heard, I must be doing pretty well just to be keeping them alive, since a lot of people can't...as well as have them breeding and throwing eggs. I've got a couple of experienced breeders that I'm somewhat being mentored by, but I'm always open to learning more, and open to new ideas. Any input is welcomed. I'm going to be ecstatic when I hatch my first!

Thanks for reading,



New Member
South Carolina
I used to breed phantasticus myself, almost a decade ago (when you could pick up an adult for $75....ah, the good old days),I had initial problems with the females dropping slugs at first, too.took me almost a year to figure out the little tweaks here and there before they really started thriving. Its so cute to watch them stalk the crickets, little tails just twitching away..


Staff member
3 Year Member
Hi Patrick and welcome to the forums! Sounds like you have quite the menagerie at home! Please do keep us updated on your breeding projects!


New Member
Plano, TX
Thank you all for the comments. I will get pics later of the enclosure. Using Eco-Earth and Mulch mix right now...always stays moist. Used to have cork bark in with them, but they never got on it. They stayed on the leaves...so I moved it all to the Sikorae's enclosure. However, I've sold the Sikorae to make room for my Ebenaui coming in tomorrow. So, I think I will split the cork bark between enclosures just for it to be there...Maybe it will give them some more hiding places. Jetfire, any advice is appreciated with the "little tweaks here and there" that you discovered. I do understand that only having them for less than 2 months and the beginning of the breeding season, it's common for them to throw bad eggs. But I just hope it doesn't go on the whole season. If there is anything I can improve on, let me know.


New Member
Plano, TX
Update!*****I think I'm going to purchase a cool air humidifier and split it between both habitats, put it on a timer for several times a day, and cut out misting all together. I am feeling the misting is very intrusive to them and they all start moving around to get away from the spray when I do it. Any comments/advice on this?


New Member
South Carolina
I'll have to look, and see if I can find the notebook I wrote all my notes down in. I do remember that raising the nighttime temps about 4-5° and heavy mistings around dusk (not quite a monsoon soaking, but way heavier than the usual spritzing) got my males quite frisky.


New Member
Plano, TX
I'm good with that. I've been freezing my butt off so I could keep the temps in the room down around 71 or so...I don't mind 74 or 75. What do you think about the humidifier vs. the misting?


New Member
South Carolina
The misting is essential from my experience, the simulated rainfall and whatnot that terms the geckos it's time to get busy.I ran a humidifier as well since the air conditioner tended to dry the herp room out.


New Member
Plano, TX
Thanks for the advice. I mist them pretty heavily, but I have been doing it more in the mornings because the lights dry it up by end of day...I'll start doing more at night. My Ebenaui will be here in the morning. I'm excited!


New Member
Plano, TX
I got my Ebenaui this morning! They are awesome! I've only got a picture of a couple of them so far. I am posting pics of their enclosures as well. I've added moss to their substrate, along with the Eco-Earth and mulch. I have 2 or 3 types of fake plants, as well as cork bark in both cages. I cut holes in the top of both, with the lighting on one side and the ventilation on the other. I used fiberglass screen instead of metal, so there is no rusting...and just melted it on, all the way around. I find melting it into the plastic with a soldering iron works much better than silicone! Then I use the pieces I cut out of the tops to cover the opening and control humidity. This is the cheap way to go, but I find it effective. Hope you all like the gex. I love them! 2012-04-26_11-58-37_40.jpg 2012-04-26_12-04-19_225.jpg 2012-04-26_12-05-57_390.jpg 2012-04-26_12-06-49_411.jpg 2012-04-26_12-22-39_210.jpg 2012-04-26_12-25-13_173.jpg 2012-04-26_12-26-11_571.jpg 2012-04-26_12-34-47_133.jpg


Staff member
3 Year Member
Nice photos and beautiful setups! Your geckos look like they're living the good life! :) ;)


New Member
I am so envious of your Phantasticus. I wish I could find myself a CBB lady for my male.


New Member
Plano, TX
Thanks! You might try Craig Gagne. Not too long ago, he had a few animals left from the CB group he got from Europe. I don't know if he would let a lone female go, but you might try him. His email is [email protected]. I also saw a lone CB female either on Kingsnake, or Faunaclassifieds not long ago. Just check around and you might get lucky somewhere.

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