acpart said:Lately I've been feeling that the heating surface area with this arrangement is too small, so I will be selling future set-ups with either two of the smaller UTH's or the larger (10-20 gallon) UTH, a dimmer, and instructions about how to keep track of temps.
Jayyoung said:What should the temps be for the hides?
also i am using damp napkins in a dish to humidify the moist hide any better suggestions?
Scott&Nikki said:It even seems to me that the 10-20 gallon UTH don't cover enough area for a 20 gallon tank.
acpart said:I think it depends on what UTH you have. I've been using the zoo-med UTH's. The one designed for the 10-20 gallon tank usually heats the tank floor under the hide to over 100 degrees and requires a thermostat as mentioned before, although I think if your room temps are relatively stable you could probably use a rheostat/dimmer as long as you keep checking the temperatures. Actually the smaller UTH's that are meant for 1-5 gallon tanks heat the floor to just about the right temp (I did some experiments when the weather was cold last week with both sizes). I have been selling set-ups to people with the smaller UTH so they aren't burdened with a thermostat. For a single gecko in a 10 gallon tank I felt that if the hide is positioned correctly, the smaller UTH is adequate. Lately I've been feeling that the heating surface area with this arrangement is too small, so I will be selling future set-ups with either two of the smaller UTH's or the larger (10-20 gallon) UTH, a dimmer, and instructions about how to keep track of temps.