UTH question


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
You should use a thermostat. You do not want it to get too hot and burn your leo. I recommend the Alife 1000 or ESU 1000. They are the exact same thing, and it works great for me.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I think it depends on what UTH you have. I've been using the zoo-med UTH's. The one designed for the 10-20 gallon tank usually heats the tank floor under the hide to over 100 degrees and requires a thermostat as mentioned before, although I think if your room temps are relatively stable you could probably use a rheostat/dimmer as long as you keep checking the temperatures. Actually the smaller UTH's that are meant for 1-5 gallon tanks heat the floor to just about the right temp (I did some experiments when the weather was cold last week with both sizes). I have been selling set-ups to people with the smaller UTH so they aren't burdened with a thermostat. For a single gecko in a 10 gallon tank I felt that if the hide is positioned correctly, the smaller UTH is adequate. Lately I've been feeling that the heating surface area with this arrangement is too small, so I will be selling future set-ups with either two of the smaller UTH's or the larger (10-20 gallon) UTH, a dimmer, and instructions about how to keep track of temps.



New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
acpart said:
Lately I've been feeling that the heating surface area with this arrangement is too small, so I will be selling future set-ups with either two of the smaller UTH's or the larger (10-20 gallon) UTH, a dimmer, and instructions about how to keep track of temps.


It even seems to me that the 10-20 gallon UTH don't cover enough area for a 20 gallon tank.


What should the temps be for the hides?

also i am using damp napkins in a dish to humidify the moist hide any better suggestions?


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Jayyoung said:
What should the temps be for the hides?

Hot Hide: 90-92
Humid Hide: around the center of the tank (temp will vary on many things; doesn't need a particular temp)
Cold Hide: Should be good around 80, but as long as it is about 10 degrees less than the hot hide that will be fine.

also i am using damp napkins in a dish to humidify the moist hide any better suggestions?

First of all, what do you mean by a dish? It should be something that your leo can go into and has a top, such as an overturned tupperware container with a hole cut in as a door. I suggest using peat/terranium moss that you can find at any pet store.

P.S. In the future, try not to change the subject of someones thread. Feel free to start your own threads about anything. We just don't want a thread to change subjects in case the original poster has not gotten an answer yet. Thanks


New Member
New York
I have used UTHs for 10+ years and never used a thermostat and never had any problems. What you can do is give time to warm up and test in, and if it feels to warm to the touch, then you may want to get a thermostat. Never had that prob though.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Scott&Nikki said:
It even seems to me that the 10-20 gallon UTH don't cover enough area for a 20 gallon tank.

It is a little marginal. I only have one 20 gallon long tank with a UTH (the others have heat cable) and there is enough warmth with the UTH to accomodate 2 hides. I also have a light during the day on this tank only, to provide more heat, as well as an "upstairs" (pictures really are coming soon) with a mini heat pad. There are 3 adults in there and everyone seems warm and happy. Since most of my geckos don't move around too much, especially during the day, I feel that a smaller heated area is acceptable. In general, though, I have preferred heat cable which I can configure however I want.



Seminole, FL
I use UTH's and have never had a problem. I've used them for three + years also. I do have thermometers also just in case. But they are hygrometer\thermometer digitals. They run about 20 $ and are made by Flukers I keep them at the bottom of the cage just in cage. I've never gotten high tempers though. I have five of them. I'd rather be safe then sorry though.


acpart said:
I think it depends on what UTH you have. I've been using the zoo-med UTH's. The one designed for the 10-20 gallon tank usually heats the tank floor under the hide to over 100 degrees and requires a thermostat as mentioned before, although I think if your room temps are relatively stable you could probably use a rheostat/dimmer as long as you keep checking the temperatures. Actually the smaller UTH's that are meant for 1-5 gallon tanks heat the floor to just about the right temp (I did some experiments when the weather was cold last week with both sizes). I have been selling set-ups to people with the smaller UTH so they aren't burdened with a thermostat. For a single gecko in a 10 gallon tank I felt that if the hide is positioned correctly, the smaller UTH is adequate. Lately I've been feeling that the heating surface area with this arrangement is too small, so I will be selling future set-ups with either two of the smaller UTH's or the larger (10-20 gallon) UTH, a dimmer, and instructions about how to keep track of temps.


Could I get a copy of those instructions?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I haven't written it yet, but basically, you need either a temp gun or a digital thermometer with a probe that you would put on the floor of the cage in the hot area. The thermometer with the probe will give you continuous temps. Check the temp regularly, especially when there is a significant seasonal climate change. Adjust the rheostat up or down as needed.


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