


I hate it.

I hate that everyone sends each other flowers. I hate that everyone is smiling and that all the men are going out of their way to make women feel special. The hearts, the cards, the chocolate, I can't take any more of it. I'm so, SO tired of watching and wondering what's so wrong with me that no one can seem to love me. I'm not ugly, but not pretty either, I'm smart and I think I'm nice. And I'm at the end of my rope with all the love and the cheer, because I have always been excluded from that. Why not me? Why, why do I not deserve to be loved? Everyone will be wearing their new necklaces or bracelets to my classes next week, everyone will have a wonderful bouquet of flowers in their bedrooms, but me.

I feel so absolutely alone and unloved on days like this, and can't understand why.

I'm so, so sorry I posted this rant, because all of you will think I'm a pathetic loser, but if I didn't say something then I'd really fall apart. It's just too much, sometimes... I'll occupy myself to forget how constantly alone I am, but on days like this I can't ignore it anymore... I'm sorry. I just... I'm sorry.


It's a BEAUT Clark!
First of all, don't be sorry. Second, don't call yourself a loser, as I can promise you without even knowing you, that you are not one.

Valentines Day is a hard day for a lot of people, you are definitely not alone. It is not that you do not deserve to be loved as every one deserves that. Everyone has a soul mate, some find them right off the bat, others have to search a little. Just be strong and know you'll find the right person someday...when you are NOT expecting it. Trust me!

Keep that head up, and ignore all the lovey mushy stuff going on today :)


New Member
Central Florida
I agree with heather 100 percent.
I thought I was going to be alone forever then I went over to my brother house like have a million times before and there was my soulmate. that was 7 years ago and we are still happily married. It will happen at the most random times have faith.

Lecko my Gecko

New Member
ok for the man s point of view LOL bah humbug! the only thing I can say LOL

ps darcie where in the garbage state are you?:) Im from there also. and dont worry you ll find that someone, usually when you least expect it, keep your head up!


New Member
Athens, GA
Someone upstairs loves me since I went out birding this morning and saw my first ever Virginia Rail. I'll take a great memory over chocolate and goodies any day of the week!

I wouldn't let it get you down. If you want to start talking losers, I'll be turning 28 on Monday. I bought myself a birthday cake and took myself out to dinner because I have no family down here. *shrugs* Oh yeah, and I haven't even started dating yet. I think it's overrated.

Go out and have fun. Do something memorable. It's the only thing you can do to get over holiday blues.


Aussie Reptile Keeper
For some it is a hard time of the year. I cant help but think about my ex, what i would usually be doing for her to make this day special. lol and to think i thought she was the one. I really did......, but we were to different and constantly moving in opposite directions.

I will put myself out there again but for now im enjoying being single.
hell yeah, i can do what i want when i want. no fighting and arguing, no dramas.

lol its peaceful.;) But i miss the company of a good woman.

My advice, go with the flow. There is someone out there for you. Until then just enjoy life, enjoy the finer things and stay positive.
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New Member
far side of sanity
oh trust me
vday sucks
i agree that you gotta keep your head up,
but personally i feel the same way.
my own parents didnt even want me!
and they still dont
so just look to your friends and watch some good tv
eat a gallon of ice cream..or 2
lol thats what i do!!
and i still keep my girlish figure hehe


Thanks a bunch guys! I was really down, then the wonderful BettaDragon bought me flowers and took me to a local aquarium, where I bought a lil' betta buddy, my first one. :D I'm feeling better, it was just a bad moment. I still feel that way a bit, and will sometimes, but it'll be alright, methinks. I suppose if I were dating someone, I'd be less likely to make the decision to study abroad or do things that I definitely should be doing. I really want to go to London to study, I went once for leisure and it's the most amazing place EVER.

I'm living in South Jersey, maybe an hourish from AC. I mean, not that it matters, the whole state's icky.


Valentines Day is not all about flowers, jewlery, chocolate, and cards. My hubby took me to the reptile show today and bought me 4 more breeder females. I bet he wishes he bought flowers instead.lol. But all in all, one day your soul mate will be there with you and life will be grand and everything will be so special with that one person. Hope you are feeling better now and your day turned out well for you

Next Level Geckos

New Member
Valentines day is like any other day to me. If it weren't for all advertisements and all that crud at the stores I probably would have never rememberd aboutV-day.


Valentines day is like any other day to me. If it weren't for all advertisements and all that crud at the stores I probably would have never rememberd aboutV-day.

Haha, yes. I forgot until someone told me, then I was like, 'Oh. Ugh.'


New Member
It sounds very silly but there is someone out there that is meant for each of us. i got married at 17 and it was a disaster. After a year neither of us seemed to even like the other much less love one another. We stuck it out for 7 years. I was done with all the love B.S. All men were the devil,LOL. I moved to a new city and just knew that I would never meet anyone that would want a divorced female and her 3 kids. Then I happen to have a little fender bender.....15 .5 years later I am very happy with other end of that fender bender. I won't ever say that we are perfect for each other ( noone is perfect!) but we make each other happy and we stick out the bad times. He understands me and I sure try to understand him. Trust me when you least expect him....your Mr. Right will appear. Some of us just don't meet him in the conventional way. Have fun being single until you do bump into him. Best wishes.

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Stay single... You will be happier in the long run... I am 33 and single... I still look like I am in my 20s... LOL That should tell you something right there... LOL... I have seen your photos and you are pretty... Like your hair by the way.... And you are no loser... There are times I want to be in a relationship... Once I get into one, I quickly realize why I wanted to be single in the first place... LOL

Ruby, cool story... Why is it when I get into fender benders, I am being hit by some old person who should not be behind the wheel of a car??? LOL
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Sideshow Freak
Alpharetta, GA
I hate this friggin holiday, screw Hallmark and their stupid "Love Day". No good can come from it.

As for your rant, don't worry....a lot of us feel that way during this lame-ass holiday. You'll find someone sooner or later i'm sure.....and to you're "i'm not pretty" comment....don't be so hard on yourself, you're quite the cutie ;)

You reallly weren't the only person feeling that way, i had 3 of my friends call me on Saturday depressed as hell over this stupid thing.


I question all things.
Ah fooey on Valentine's Day! It's all a big scam. My boyfriend and I agree not to do the whole cliche V-Day thing. I dislike jewelry and gaudy things anyway.

The way he put it, and I couldn't have said it better, "Why do I need a special day to do something nice for you? That should be every day!"

There just happened to be a reptile show this weekend, so I did pick him up a nice CB baby tokay and all the fixings (supplies).. But it had nothing to do with V-Day. I would've done it any other day.


Thanks, everyone. I agree that the holiday is stupid. We could always go back to the original Lupercalia in Feb. 14th: in ancient Rome the boys would take strips of goat hide, dip them in goat blood and slap women they liked with them. Apparently being goatslapped was a real honor back then...

It would be just as ridiculous as all the commercialism today. :D

Tiny chibi

Don't worry I hate v day to.
When I was younger I used to always get nothing in my locker while everyone around me was in love and getting chocolates, cakes and god knows what else.
When I was a little bit older I used to write fake v day cards that had creul poems inside them for a joke. :)
Every single boyfriend I've ever had has cheated on me iwth girls that wear their pants around their ankles and call them names like s*x kitten.
-s*x wasn't sure if I was allowed to say.
That kills your confidence but after a bucket of ice cream and a plot for revenge later I got over it.
lol, looking back its actually quite funny because my friends now call me a robot, becuase I only regard love as chemicals in your body used as an instinct to find a mate to carry on the meaning of life and carry on the human species.
(Sorry if that offends anyone, please don't take it personally.)

And ontop of that this emotionless robot has vowed to oversee all my friends future relationships and lovey dovey gooey ness like an overproctective pyschopath.

I don't need a relationship, I'm alot happier with my video games. lol 8D


Don't worry I hate v day to.
When I was younger I used to always get nothing in my locker while everyone around me was in love and getting chocolates, cakes and god knows what else.
When I was a little bit older I used to write fake v day cards that had creul poems inside them for a joke. :)
Every single boyfriend I've ever had has cheated on me iwth girls that wear their pants around their ankles and call them names like s*x kitten.
-s*x wasn't sure if I was allowed to say.
That kills your confidence but after a bucket of ice cream and a plot for revenge later I got over it.
lol, looking back its actually quite funny because my friends now call me a robot, becuase I only regard love as chemicals in your body used as an instinct to find a mate to carry on the meaning of life and carry on the human species.
(Sorry if that offends anyone, please don't take it personally.)

And ontop of that this emotionless robot has vowed to oversee all my friends future relationships and lovey dovey gooey ness like an overproctective pyschopath.

I don't need a relationship, I'm alot happier with my video games. lol 8D

Oh, dear, that's exactly how I am. I really think love exists to encourage procreation. Of course, these days it doesn't seem to be very necessary... But yeah, I'm not really interested in relationships. I have Princess Zelda - you can't beat that.

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