Very Small Leo


New Member
She is still way to small and nasty for me to try to introduce her to a male. I don't have any small males they are all huge. lol I would not want her to make one mad and then her get hurt. but if she does grow bigger I might give it a try just to see if it works for me too.
When you do breed her Let me know if any of the babies turn out to be slow growers like mom.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
Val said:
We received a gecko when she was around 8-10 grams or so, and by the time we sold her a year and a half later she hadn't even broken 40grams. She's small, but was always a great eater (always gained a little weight and never lost any) and was otherwise healthy same as yours. We recently sold her to Derek (GeckoStud) where she will surely live out a healthy life with him, but I don't expect her to get too much bigger.

Yes she is such a little booger too lol, pampered and lazy, she has a real regal attitude lol. I love her though she is such a ham!

"Look at me, I am royalty."


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
i have a male that will be a year old next month. the most he has weighed so far has been 36g. hes only 34gs now, he kinda dropped a few grams last month, but he never stopped eating, or looked unhealthy in any way. he eats like a friggin pig. its kinda good to know that im not the only one that has one of these little guys

Double LY

GeckoStud said:
Yes she is such a little booger too lol, pampered and lazy, she has a real regal attitude lol. I love her though she is such a ham!

"Look at me, I am royalty."

Okay, I'm wondering if there is a "trend" to how these small ones look. I notice this pic shows extra "neck skin". Clementine looks like her skin kept growing, but she never filled it out (mainly around her neck and pits). Do others with these little leos notice the same thing?

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