Views on Legalized Prostitution?


New Member
Since this is basically the uncensored adult lounge and I have no one to "fight" I thought I'd see what are your views on legal prostitution, is it right, wrong, helps the economy, etc? What do you believe the pro's and con's are if there are any?

Prostitution is known as the oldest "profession" in the book, were someone basically has sex in exchange for money. Prostitution I believe is legal in parts of Nevada (I don't know about other states) within the U.S. and I think Denmark, Belgium, Germany also have legalized prostitution. Are they right for legalizing prostitution or are they unethical and morally wrong in todays world.

I dunno where this came from but I was reading an article about Prostitues being hit by the bad economy, lmao.


Oregon Rainwater
Portland, OR
Although I'm not sure if I would agree with legalizing it, I do believe the fact that it's illegal creates a lot more dangerous crime than if it were legal. That could be said about a lot of things, too.


I dont see a problem with it

As long as it isnt with young boys or girls :(. That shit makes me want to fucking puke


Ghoulish Geckos
I don't agree with prostitution at all, but it's always going to happen. I guess I'd rather it be legal (in certain places). I assume that in those places, the women/men need to be tested every so often. It must be safer for them since I wouldn't think they would need a pimp either, but I really don't know much about it. Personally, I think it's gross. I would never pay for sex. Being a girl, it's probably easier to have sex without paying. No offense guys, but you're not always super picky.;)

I think with many things, legalizing them makes them safer. People are always going to sneak to prostitutes, use drugs, etc.


New Member
Central Florida
I completely disagree with prostitution BUT I think since it is going to be done no matter what then they might as well legalize it so it can be closely monitored and I think they should not be allowed to advertise by walking up and down the streets where families are I think it should be done discreetly. but if there are people willing to sell it and people willing to buy it then why not.

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Lizzy, are you looking to get into a new line of work??? LOL

Actually I feel if a woman wants to sell her ass, she should be able to do so... As long as it is not MY woman selling her ass, I could care less...

Being a man, even if you do not have sex with a hooker, you still pay for it one way or another... LOL
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New Member
make it legal and get those nasty toothless crack whores off the street. If you can legally find what you desire, would you give a crack whore or junkie $8... hell no!

I have to work in some shady areas at times and see some festering junkies not only trying to get hurt in my work area, but saying "I'll suck ya dick fer eight dollahs!"

OH NO SHE DIDN'T!!!!!!!!

I personally have no desire to frequent one either way, but who am I to tell others what to do with thier body?

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I think it should be legalized like in Nevada, where the prostitutes must pass strict health requirements and have to pay taxes on their income. I agree with Paul... if prostitution was legalized (and there were rules and laws), then half of these drug-dealing pimps would have to find a new job and a lot of young women would have a second chance.


New Member
North Carolina
Just because people do it doesnt mean something should be legal. But yes I agree this should be legal. Why shouldnt it be legal? It should be classified as a business.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
Ahh fuck it either way prostitution is for people who are losers and can't get laid or their dick sucked, lol!

It might help the people who can't get laid and are to scared to go for a prostitute. Their hormones get all built up and then they go nuts because their nuts are purple.

In China they say they have a problem with that because they have more guys then girls. They can only have one kid there and they all want boys. If prostitution was legal it would just benefit everyone because people will be more relaxed and less likly to kill because they just popped one off, lol! :smoking:


New Member
North Carolina
Ahh fuck it either way prostitution is for people who are losers and can't get laid or their dick sucked, lol!

I have never been with a prostitute before, but it is much more than that. You have the convenience of getting sexual pleasure when you want. Sometimes your lover at the moment doesnt do something that you lust for, so you can "pay" for it.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
I have never been with a prostitute before, but it is much more than that. You have the convenience of getting sexual pleasure when you want. Sometimes your lover at the moment doesnt do something that you lust for, so you can "pay" for it.

ya because you can't find some whore who will do it for free. Theres plenty of them around to fuck and forget and the ones who can't get them pay for it.

If my woman ain't given it when i want it then i will jack one off, not go fuck some nasty ass prostitute. Atleast i know where my hand has been. Most people people that don't get laid is because they are lazy or are trying way above thier league

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
ya because you can't find some whore who will do it for free. Theres plenty of them around to fuck and forget and the ones who can't get them pay for it.

If my woman ain't given it when i want it then i will jack one off, not go fuck some nasty ass prostitute. Atleast i know where my hand has been. Most people people that don't get laid is because they are lazy or are trying way above thier league

LOL!!! Now that is some funny shit right there...

Justin, BRA-FUCKIN-VO my man... LOL


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
haha thanks Gregg! I thought someone might enjoy that besides me, lol! I can be a asshole sometimes but most of the time i like to just have fun or it might be the other way around. I don't know, I forgot!

I have never been with a prostitute before, but it is much more than that. You have the convenience of getting sexual pleasure when you want. Sometimes your lover at the moment doesnt do something that you lust for, so you can "pay" for it.

The more I read this response the more i think this guy has had a penny whore a time or two, lol! Just screams it to me!:wiseguy: He must not be gettin any from his woman, lol! Oh SHIT!

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