want a new leo


New Member
hey guys i want a male leopard gecko so i can start breeding it with my female leo.so i was wondering wats a website that has nice male leos for sale with decent price.thank you for reading and plz help.


New Member
we have a lot of great breeders on this site! what kind of male are you looking for?

look at the site sponsor links (at the top of the page) for links to some great breeders. since it is the end of the season you may have to email them on their availability (their sites may not be up to date) also check the classified section here.


New Member
I would read up on breeding first. Just my .02. Then look on this site there are definatly some nice ones. Please don't take this the wrong way.


New Member
Between two terrariums
I would read up on breeding first. Just my .02. Then look on this site there are definatly some nice ones. Please don't take this the wrong way.

Always be sure you've done your homework. Personally I'd never breed my leo, he's wonderful but nothing special, and I haven't the money or the desire to feed/house a crop of juvies. Wouldn't be fair to the poor tykes.


New Member
ya i have research for about maybe i think a year i was just google it see wat to do to make them breed and the setup for hatchlings and how to hatch them,ect..


New Member
ya i have research for about maybe i think a year i was just google it see wat to do to make them breed and the setup for hatchlings and how to hatch them,ect..

do you know anything about gecko morph genetics? do you have the money for an incubator? supplies? do you know how you are going to get rid of the babies? do you have the money to feed many geckos?


New Member
It is a little easier if you take apart the words. Homo means " the same" and Hetero means "different". So say you have one allele which is dominant, D and one which is recessive, d. To be homozygous dominant, "the same" you would need two copies of DD, to be homozygous recessive you would need two copies of the recessive trait, dd. Hetero means "different" meaning one of the dominant trait and one of the recessive, Dd---- this is where the term "het" comes in. The term dominant is used because this is the trait that will show itself over any recessive. That is why you can have a normal het raptor that looks like a normal or you can have a normal with no hets and they look outwardly the same but genetically they are not.

I will give you an example. Brown eyes in humans are dominant over blue eyes. So in order for someone to have blue eyes they must be homozygous recessive, bb. BUT there are two possible combinations which produce brown eyes, homozygous dominant, BB and heterozygous dominant, Bb. This is why it is much more common to see brown eyes. My grandmother on my dad's side was blue eyed making her bb, my grandfather was homozygous dominant for brown eyes, BB. The results of this cross are 100% of the children with brown eyes but het for blue eyes, Bb. This would make my dad Bb.- het for blue eyes. My mom has blue eyes making her bb. When you mix Bb X bb you get two results-- 50% chance of children that have brown eyes BUT have the genotype Bb aka het for blue eyes and 50% chance of children that are bb, blue-eyed. They had two children, I have brown eyes but am het for blue eyes Bb and my brother has blue eyes, bb.

If you want to know how I know the results of those crosses like BB X Bb or BB X bb you can look up youtube videos on punnett squares. Hope that wasn't too confusing! :)
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