We all love our R. Auriculatus..


Friendly herp enthusiast
Hollister, CA
...but what I want to know is- What is the market for them? I live in California (so replies from people in Cali. will help most) in the bay area, and I see these for sale everywhere...then all of the sudden they are scarce...then back to lots again. I used to breed gargs and came out with some pretty nice patterns too...but back then they were not as readily available. I may want to start breeding again, but it is costly sometimes and I want to make sure my TIMING is good. I guess I am asking this: How many people that you know sell/buy Gargoyle geckos and how often do they sell??


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
i haven't seen that many at any shows here, but there are some really good breeders out there. i just sold my 1.2 pair at the last show because i decided to work on pairing up my leachie. my male was a yellow/black striped, one female was a black/white striped, and the other female was a red striped. it honestly depends on what someone is willing to pay, but i sold the group for 400. they are really cool rhacs though


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
Gargs sell ok at the shows in so cal. Right now with economic situations the way they are I would venture to say if your looking to turn any profit on anything it is not very likely. Breaking even every year is usually a good thing. We have cut our projects and quantities down significantly. Some reasons dealing with family and schedules but also due to the market on all reptiles. I am sure there are plenty of people out there who make enough with their reptile business, but for us we just love doing it and are happy breaking even every year. Based on the last few shows I think if you were to produce a lower quantity with varying quality (price wise) you should work out just fine JMHO.


Friendly herp enthusiast
Hollister, CA
Thank you tons for your comments...I couldnt agree that what you said is the way to go. Thats what I thought I would be doing too. I have been having some issues with leos lately so I have alot on my plate at the moment (I breed leos...but mostly Rhacodactylus), so breeding gargs will be a "near future endeavor". I am SOOOOO much better at the Rhacodactylus breeding!


New Member
I honestly would wait until I had the funds for the project. Because you can't always rely on timing when it comes to successfully re-homing or selling offspring. You could always look into reptile stores in your area and see if they will be interested in adding gargoyles.

Otherwise I would say test the waters. There aren't a whole lot of garg breeders in CA that have been putting themselves out there, in my opinion. I think that having a smaller selection focused on quality instead of quantity is definitely the way to go with any breeding project. You'll see what sells faster, and won't get overloaded with all your other projects. Could you clarify where you're seeing them "sold everywhere"? Are you referring to online or specifically in the Bay Area?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I've been seeing gargs appearing in craigslist listing, so it seems that they are entering the "general population". I've also thought of garg breeding in the distant future. I have a 1 1/2 year old female redstripe now, but not much more room so I'll have to see how it goes.


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