Weird Growth Male Platy Face/Gills


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Ok, I am having a hard time getting a good pic. I have taken pics of fish before its just been so long I cant remember what settings work so any suggestions would be great.

It all started as a small spot on his face. Now its grown so that it covers the left side of his face. What is it if anyone has any idea (I know its hard with that pic)? Should I euthanize?

He is in a 10 gallon planted tank with 2 female platys, a nerite snail, and bluefin killifish. I recently added 3 small gold tetras (this growth started well before I got the gold tetras)
I dont know the levels, I honestly dont keep track anymore I just change 50% when the water in my other tank is getting lower. Something like once every 1-3 weeks.


New Member
palmetto FL
Color and texture? Be sure to QT all new fish for atleast a week. Id also hold off on getting the rest of the gold tetra until we find out what this is. For now, id separate him.
It could be a Viral, Bacterial or genetic problem.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Im thinking its a genetic/physiological problem. This started a while ago and I kind of just let it go (yeah I know bad... I think it started a month or more ago). I would think if it was contagious the other fish would be showing signs by now.
I can move the gold tetra to another tank but (assuming this were contagious) they have been in there for a week so they have already been exposed.

I dont quarantine my fish. I have so few, I do not heavily stock my tanks and do not get fish all that often. I rarely/never have problems with ick, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections.

I am considering buying new test kits. Any recommendations on a good kit that is reasonably priced? I prefer liquid rather than strips which are crap. I do have some of the powder, its a kit by Instant Ocean but not sure it works for fresh water and its like 3-4 years old. Also not good for pH since the scale is so high I would need a new pH test kit anyways.


New Member
palmetto FL
Sounds like a Tumor, possibly a viral cyst. No treating it regardless, let nature take its course for now. For precautions sake, euthanize all fry produced by his mating, do the gene pool a favor. Id say you can stock the rest of your golds safley. In that i mean add 3-4 more.


Wonder Reptiles
IMO, I would euthanize it.
We don't know if its contagious, but just in case - if you have a lot of other fish. Its for the greater good of the platies.

I have never seen anything like that heal up and I have years of fish experience. Poor little guy.


New Member
palmetto FL
Also a solution, though not my favorite if the fish isnt showing any form of pain or suffering, which with fish, tends to be easy to see.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
He has not produced any fry that I have seen.

I am probably going to euthanize him.

Thanks for all the help!
I will probably get more gold tetra tonight. Make it a school of 6 :)
I know 3 not even a school, I wanted to get a few to try them out and see if i like them.
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