Well, I think it's going to happen.


New Member
Houston, TX
After going back over and over and over to look at the pics in Kristi's BP thread, I've decided that all my effort is going to go into convincing my wife to let me bring snakes into the house. Luckily, my daughter has been asking if we can get one for about a year now, and I think that might be just enough to turn the tide in my favor.

After spending about 4 days staring at the different morphs, I've finally decided that I'm going to try to pick up a pastel and a pinstripe at the NARBC show next month, so wish me luck!

Any ideas on how to sell her on the idea? I figure that since we almost got a corn snake at Repticon after she held it, putting a ball(heh) in her hands is probably going to be what makes or breaks the deal in the end, but I want to lay down as much groundwork as possible.


New Member
Landrum, SC
Start by saying: "Woman, I'm the MAN of this house".

Okay, that might not sell her on the idea, plus you might end up with a lump on your head. Either way, I wish you luck in convincing/educating her on ball pythons.

Please, if you get one (or two, or however many) post pics. I LOVE looking at all the different morphs, with the spiders and bees being my favorites, but I just don't think I could bring myself to feed critters to them. I'm a big softy, what can I say.


New Member
Houston, TX
Start by saying: "Woman, I'm the MAN of this house".

Okay, that might not sell her on the idea, plus you might end up with a lump on your head. Either way, I wish you luck in convincing/educating her on ball pythons.

Please, if you get one (or two, or however many) post pics. I LOVE looking at all the different morphs, with the spiders and bees being my favorites, but I just don't think I could bring myself to feed critters to them. I'm a big softy, what can I say.

Oh, there will be pics, I'm sure. I haven't been this excited about an animal since I got my first dog as a kid!


New Member
tell her they are generally docile, do not get very big. eat only once a week, are easy to keep and are beautiful to watch in an open vivarium. good choice on a pin stripe and a pastel. if you mate them later on you can make some lemon blasts!


Ghoulish Geckos
I hope you can convince her. I was so scared of snakes before, but now I love them.:)


New Member
Houston, TX
Is she coming with?

Good luck on getting a ball, is it going to be yours or your daughters? :p

Yes, she'll be there, so that part won't be hard. As for who's they will be, they'll probably be 'ours,' meaning she'll get to say they're hers, but I'll be taking care of almost all the upkeep for now. She'll probably start helping a lot more when she's a bit older, but a 4 year old doesn't need to be working with F/T's, and I don't want to scar her with a cute live animal getting killed yet. She's great with crickets and supers, and is really awesome with the leos and beardies, but yeah...Haha


New Member
Houston, TX
tell her they are generally docile, do not get very big. eat only once a week, are easy to keep and are beautiful to watch in an open vivarium. good choice on a pin stripe and a pastel. if you mate them later on you can make some lemon blasts!

Those are pretty much the lines of reasoning I've started working on her with so far.

...and yes, I know about the Lemon Blasts! I went through and narrowed it down to Pin, Pastel, Lesser, and Spider. Decided that if I DO end up wanting to (try to) breed in a few years, I might as well figure out which pairing I thought could turn out the prettiest, so as cool as the Spinners, Bumble bees, Lesser Bees, King Pins and Lesser Pastels were, the Blast wins. Hahaha. I've gotta say though, the Lesser Bees were a close second!

Roaming Reptiles

Brandon Fowler
My kids are really into it. We breed our own rats for them and they help out with them. I feed live and I have told my kids why they eat rats and they understand the whole cycle of life thing and are good with it.


New Member
Houston, TX
Good to know, Brandon! One more arrow in the 'convince the wife' quiver.


Thanks for all the good wishes, everyone!

Roaming Reptiles

Brandon Fowler
My wife was really really freaked out by the thought of having a snake. But once we got one and she noticed how laid back they are it was no problem. Now we have 7 with more on the way soon.


New Member
Austin, Texas
I've always been nervous around snakes...and don't like the idea of feeding them mice. But I've always held or pet them. The only one I wouldn't hold was at a small 'zoo' where the thing was 20 feet long. Nope, not for me. I think I touched it though :p They just had it out while I was looking at everything, was about to put my hand down on the rail when the thing was staring at me... :main_no:

I think it was a boa constricter. Was a pretty albino tho :p


New Member
Houston, TX
Well, in case the other thread wasn't enough to let you know, I got one. I really wanted to get a female pastel and a male pin, but both of my kids managed to get a nasty virus, plus my son got an ear infection, and turned out to be allergic to his antibiotics, so we ended up making 6 trips to the dr's office in less than 2 weeks, so I was a bit strapped for cash. Ended up getting Paco, who is a 56g pastel male who is pretty much just flat out awesome. I think I'm going to try to fatten him up and breed him to a normal out pastel female (if I can find an adult) as soon as he's big enoygh.

I've got the BP fever!


New Member
Well, in case the other thread wasn't enough to let you know, I got one. I really wanted to get a female pastel and a male pin, but both of my kids managed to get a nasty virus, plus my son got an ear infection, and turned out to be allergic to his antibiotics, so we ended up making 6 trips to the dr's office in less than 2 weeks, so I was a bit strapped for cash. Ended up getting Paco, who is a 56g pastel male who is pretty much just flat out awesome. I think I'm going to try to fatten him up and breed him to a normal out pastel female (if I can find an adult) as soon as he's big enoygh.

I've got the BP fever!


tony, we converted another :p


it's easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission ;)

So you've done this before;), lol. I LOVE this philosophy!

I have to agree with Trexx to that a baby of anything is hard to resist...you gotta start small ;) and after he's all grown, You could always say WOW! I didn't think he was gonna get that big! It'll be too late then;) lol.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Congrats on the new ball! More will come. :D My advise would be to go ahead and get a young pinner female to raise up if that's what you want to pursue, you have to breed what you love. If you want to get your feet wet early, get an 09 or early 2010 pastel girl and if you feed her well she should be big enough for next season. The male will be ready by fall most likely. That way you can try your hand at super pastels in 2012 and maybe have a male super to put to the pin once she's big enough in 2013 or just breed the pastel to her. That's probably the most efficient way to get to your goal without spending a ton of cash on adult morph girls.

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