what are these


New Member
these are the 6 geckos in adopting in a couple weeks can any one tell me what they are i know you cant tell the sex or hets but the guy said the are 1.1 sunglow het raptor 1.1 blazing blizzard and 2 unknown and unsexed



Active Member
Southern Illinois
The breeder was correct with the first four, and the bottom two are Tangerines (one of them has a nice beginning carrot tail; the other one might have had one before breeding; looks like it has faded, so it will have the genetics if not the phenotype).

Those are beautiful, fat, healthy geckos! You adopt them? For free? Lucky you :main_yes: Especially the sunglows would have cost you a lot.

You will be able to tell the sex as soon as you get them, because all of them are big/old enough to sex. Just look under the tails. If they're bulgy there, they're males. Sometimes, you can tell from the body shape (but not with any high certainty): females are more pear-shaped with a rounder "butt," and males are more square and bulky, and usually longer! With my own geckos, that works :)

Try it: according to the pear-shape, the right Sunglow is the female, and the left is the male. The lower Blazing Blizzard is the female, the upper the male.

With the Tangs, it's hard to tell since they are in an awkward position which makes them both look square. But if they were both males, they would probably fight each other, so you should either have 1.1, or 0.2! I'd say the left one is a male, and the right one a female, but you make your own guesses until you hold them in your hands :D

You can come back on here and tell me whether I was right or wrong :main_laugh:


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