What do you do while your geckos are out?


Lizard Circus Ringmaster!
I'm just curious to read about what other owners do when their geckos are out with them. Do you focus on the animal entirely, or maybe read a book, play video games, do homework, taxes?

I like to focus on my geckos, but occasionally, as I am a busy student, I let mine come out and crawl on my bed or desk while I am writing papers or doing language translation. My girl Speck likes to press up against my laptop when she gets chilly. My boy Qamar likes to explore and crawls all over my paper work. XD

I must admit they are a distraction, but an enjoyable one- makes homework bearable for me and gives me time with the geckos that I would not otherwise have. : )

So, lemme know what you do when your geckos are out with you.


New Member
Between two terrariums
I pay close attention to him, otherwise he'll hide under or jump off or poop on something. ;)
Sometimes he'll sit under my leg and I can be fairly sure he'll stay there, but I don't really feel comfortable doing anything more distracting than typing at the computer while he's there.
They're ambush hunters; they don't have great endurance once they start running, but they go from zero to sixty (and under the couch) before you can blink. :laugh:


Finds me a dragon!
Indiana, USA
I usually pay full attention to Wretch, he's still young and wants to go off and play escapee. he does like to sit on my shoulder right underneath the fold of the hoodies i wear. i also wear polos for work, so he'll crawl right underneath the collar with the tip of his tail sticking out :) i can just leave him there and he's happy.

Spaz is older and more laid back, so with her i can let her sit on my laptop and chill. She's also slow, so i can catch her, lol


New Member
It depends on which ones I have out and if I have 1 or 2. Some of them I have to make sure I dont take my eyes off or they will be into some sort of mischief.....others I can read or be on computer because I know they stay close to me.....guess Im protection when they are out,lol.


New Member
far side of sanity
when i have my leos out i normally spend time with them, letting them have full run of my bed :)
sometimes though ill watch tv, and within a few minutes of the tv being on, theyll be right up in my face watching it (i have a male who will hunt the moving images, its hilarious)


New Member
Fort Myers
I pay attention to mine when they are out. They usually like to ride on my shoulders or on baseball cap. Lola I will take outside on my shoulders while I walk my dogs. Sela, not yet. She's still young and I don't know if she would try to escape. But Lola likes going outside :)


New Member
My oldest gecko chases around my tablet pen while I'm drawing. He always stays around me so I usually don't have to pay attention. I have to focus on the rest of mine though. They explore too much.


New Member
Milton Keynes, UK
Xander happily sits in my hand or on my arm while I'm at the computer, I've only had since Friday though so I've yet to let him sit on my shoulder as I'm afraid that he'll fall off and my dog will eat him or something LOL Xander usually settles but occasionally he walks up my arms or up the front of my hoodies. I took a picture of him with a gecko cross stitch I had done and less than a second after taking the picture he was off exploring the living room table LOL


Lizard Circus Ringmaster!
Wow, thanks guys XD These have been pretty funny. I like that geckos seem to like hoodie folds. We should do a study into this.

When I posted this Last night, Qamar was sitting on my Latin homework, just kinda hanging out and he seemed to say: "Oh hey, do you need this paper or something? It's mine, don't you know?"

He's kinda a blunt little guy. Today I was laying down and he just crawled right up the side of my face and perched himself on my forehead like he owns me or something.
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New Member
lmfao @ all! i like this thread :main_laugh:

my little girl sorta does both, sometimes she will just sit happily in my hand or on my shoulder, then sometimes she will crawl all over me, going up the front of my hoody and trying to get down my back, sometimes she will try squeeze between my legs, i assume to get warm. then sometimes she will just make mad dashes for the end of the bed!! she is a little buger but she brings me much amusement :)


New Member
This thread is too funny! I can totally picture all of these scenarios.
My female loves to come out of her cage. She is constantly standing on the highest point in her cage, trying to climb the wall, and simultaneously glaring at me. When I take her out, she usually chills under my laptop between my legs. She also enjoys sitting on my shoulder to survey her domain. When my boyfriend is here, she likes to climb up the front of him, and then just sit in between his shoulder blades so that he has to hunch over to keep her from falling off. I think she has domination issues.


New Member
We just started slow. Getting her ( Miss C a Normal) out of her tank and sitting on the couch was a huge step forward. We just hold her in our hands and let her crawl on us. Then we have a blanket we scrunch up to have hills and valleys where she can crawl around on. She tries to crawl up the couch,but it is leather and not easy to climb.

We are new to all this being 2 months now as Gecko owners. So it's been 15min at first ( twice a week ) and now 30 min. We keep her in our living room which is carpeted, in case she makes a wild leap...lol. We had her on the floor once ( carpet ) but she got too much traction and would dart or run pretty fast.

She gets to the shoulders and then tries to get higher on your head. Not quite sure how long it will take get her to stop at the shoulder. My granddaughter has longer hair, so it seems to be a natural way up to get higher on her.

For now.... we are happy to just have her settled in and out of her tank. As for Bella, the new one we got a week ago. That puts us back at square one in getting her adjusted and settled in.


Lizard Circus Ringmaster!
It is funny, isn't it? I love hearing about these geckos and their put upon human masters/slaves. Climbing all over us, dominating us. Who owns who, I wonder?

And CallDr, it's good to see that you're taking such care to get your geckos used to you before too many escapades can take place.

Today, I don't have any homework, but Miss Speck is sitting with me and keeps trying to leap off my bed. She really wants to explore my floor, I guess. XD


RIP Lucky
My leo will usually start out in my hand or on my shoulder but within half an hour he is sitting on my head and will stay there or climb back down onto my shoulder until I put him back.


New Member
Washington, DC
I rarely pay full attention to my geckos when I have them out, unless I am picking off a bit of stuck shed or weighing them or something. I much more frequently wear them around the house. It is not unusual for me to have 1-4 geckos on my shoulders/arms/etc. It's fun because a lot of times people think they are fake or jewelry and then shriek in surprised horror or delight when the gecko moves. I also show them off a lot so they get passed around to all my friends who coo over them.


New Member
I direct all of my attention to my geckos. One time i let one of my females chill on my leg.....a couple minutes later she was gone(didnt even feel her move). I had to look for her for about 10 minutes. Then found her under a blanket. I will let them chill on my shoulder sometimes, but ive been pooped on before(multiple times).


Lizard Circus Ringmaster!
Wearing them around sounds like fun! I can do that with my beardie, but not my leos. My girl is too skittish to ride around and my boy is missing claws. His old owners didn't help him with shed problems so now his toes are stubby and he can't grip. If he could, he'd be a good rider though.

And pooping. Man. I am so glad my leos have never pooped on me. Beardie has, but never them.

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