What kind of Gecko should I go for



Hello. I have a 40 gallon tank that is completly empty and I was just curious as to what I should get. I have experience with geckos. I bred Cresties for two and a half years, I currently have three leopards, and I have one Golden House Gecko. I've had in the past; curly tails, African Clawed Frogs and a Knight Anole. Any sort of reptile you can think of that can meet my tank size, I'll take into consideration. Money is not an obstical. I'd prefer a durnial rather than a nocturnal. I was thinking Gargoyle. Throw me some ideas please :D


Staff member
Somerville, MA
The gargoyles may be more comfortable in a vertical tank, though with the height, maybe it wouldn't matter. If I had a place to put a tank that size, I actually wouldn't get a gecko at all. I'd get a bearded dragon (I already have one) or a blue tongue skink.



Thanks for all the ideas. It came down to Blueys, Garg or Tokay. I love Bluey's but I'm already rockin' a project on a Eastern Water Dragon so I don't want size at the moment :p. I know Tokays can be rather fiesty but Knight Anoles are just as bad :p. But yeah, I'm leaning towards a Tokay due to one being in stock and healthy at my local reptile store. Any photos of setups would be very much appreciated for Gargs and or Tokays. Thanks :)


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