When should I introduce males + females


New Member
I have 2 females and i just recently bought a male. when should i put them all together to breed? should i leave him alone for a week or two to make sure hes eating alright and everything? My females both weigh 62 grams and the male is 68 grams.

SC Geckos

New Member
im very new. how do i tell if they are? I know one of the females has produced 7 fertile clutches before (according to the breeder).
That being the case, I would not recommend breeding animals you know very little about. Do ALOT of research, and gain ALOT of experience with these animals before attempting to breed them. If you opt to learn "on the fly" in most cases it ends badly for the animals.


New Member
When i say new... i mean new to breeding leopard geckos. Ive owned leopard geckos since i was 7 years old and i am now 18. ive been breeding my ball pythons and blood pythons for a few years now. im pretty sure that snakes are much more complex when it comes to breeding (according to my research on leopard gecko breeding). I just wanted to get into a new breeding project. I know everything there is to know about leopard gecko breeding besides ovulation. It was just a simple question that i didnt feel like looking up because you already replied. During what month does ovulation usually occure? i know the breeding season is usually from feb-sep. Any info would be helpful.

SC Geckos

New Member
When i say new... i mean new to breeding leopard geckos. Ive owned leopard geckos since i was 7 years old and i am now 18. ive been breeding my ball pythons and blood pythons for a few years now. im pretty sure that snakes are much more complex when it comes to breeding (according to my research on leopard gecko breeding). I just wanted to get into a new breeding project. I know everything there is to know about leopard gecko breeding besides ovulation. It was just a simple question that i didnt feel like looking up because you already replied. During what month does ovulation usually occure? i know the breeding season is usually from feb-sep. Any info would be helpful.

When you said "I'm very new" I took that for what it was worth. There is not really a set time that all leopard geckos ovulate some go early and some go late. Just like BP's (which I have bred in the past) Most of the time it falls between the months you stated above but not always. I have a few girls that go in Nov. and Dec. You can look for the ovulations in the belly. They will show up as white spots surrounded by red. You can search on here and find some pictures.

I never meant that it was complex to breed leos. It is very simple to breed them. Just as easy as BP's which are by no means complex to breed.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
The first thing is to quarantine any new gecko (in this case, your male) for at least a month. Different people do the breeding part different ways. For example, I keep my males and females in 1.2 groups throughout the breeding season. I put them together some time in Jan. before the females are ovulating. At this point, only 1 of my 5 (soon to be 8, once they're big enough) females is ovulating and she just laid her first clutch. Other people keep all their geckos separate and introduce the male to each female for as long as it takes for them to witness mating, or for a set number of days.



Ridgewood, NJ
The month ovulation occurs varies widely depending on how you keep your leos. Sometime between November and May for most. There's a sticky in the breeding section that shows pictures of ovulation. I check my females that are of breeding weight every week or two starting around mid-January.


Wonder Reptiles

Your geckos probably will miss this years breeding season if you wait the recommended 90 days.

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