Which gender has a better personality?



:square: I'm just curious in general if there is a difference because I will be buying a leopard gecko soon and I was researching...several places said that both genders are exactly the same and some said that males tend to be more sociable towards people. I was just wondering which is true?


New Member
Miami, FL
Well, the only problem with females is that they tend to stop eating for a while when they ovulate. However, that isn't always true. I have an ovulating female that is eating TWICE as much as she eats when she's off season. But generally, when females ovulate and are in the later stages of pregnancy (gravid, as we call it) they tend to go off feed for a while. Males don't have this issue, however ALL geckos tend to eat less when the winter comes.


Happy Gecko Family
I think it depends on the individual gecko.

BUT! The majority of my males are very sociable, they will come out from their hides when I'm in the room. They don't mind being picked up either, one will even sit on my lap for many minutes. On the other hand, my females don't "enjoy" being picked up at all, they want back as soon as I pick them up...I had never seen the "climb glass --> pick me up!!" thing with them.

Also, as Maia had mentioned, some females will slow or stop eating all together when they ovulate. They will most likely do fine without food, but it really stresses out the owner. Therefore, I personally prefer getting males if you intend to keep them as pets.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Males make better single pets because you avoid the whole ovulation issue. As well as egg binding(females can still form infertile eggs without a male). It has a lot to do with individual as well, and morph to some extent. Blizzards are notoriously fiesty, and SHCTB and Giants are known for being rather laid back.


yeah my geckos have slowed down their eating by a very noticeable amount which is normal. although i have one female subadult that is just easting like crazy and growing which is great


oh and as far as personality its a toss up because to me its more age based. I have two really tame mellow 3 year olds, one female one male. the Female seems a bit more skittish and the male just doenst care. The female is a sweetheart once she is calm and climbing around. Then i have 3 sub adults (BB) that are all getting used to me so they tend to all be very pissy towards me and sometimes make their displeasure audible. my male subadult is very adventurous and loves to climb, i have even caught him sleeping completely vertical which looks like he napped mid climb. they all seem to young to really judge right now IMO


St. Augustine, Florida
my male that passed away recently was very laid back and loved being handled. my females are laid back, but 1 of them seems to avoid me like the plague and he other two are ok with me. I cant keep my LVPA female off my arm when I am cleaning or changing water.


New Member
i think males are just because the fact my males i have are more likely to be out if their hides when im in the room and my girls tend to not like it when im in the room as much and males tend to be bigger so they are easyer to handle when they are full grown and mine are all very calm males and my girls are skiddish


:worried: I'm still a little worried now it seems like mixed reviews. Of course it depends on the gecko though...just theres a Giant mac snow that I'm considering getting thats a female that just looks gorgeous but even if she is pretty I would rather have a ugly male gecko that likes people than a pretty female one that hates me :dead:
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New Member
Sacramento, CA
:worried: I'm still a little worried now it seems like mixed reviews. Of course it depends on the gecko though...just theres a Giant mac snow that I'm considering getting thats a female that just looks gorgeous but even if she is pretty I would rather have a ugly male gecko that likes people than a pretty female one that hates me :dead:

Exactly! Others may not agree but personality is most important to me. I love a friendly relaxed laid back gecko. I think they're all pretty anyway so I would choose personality first!

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