My young Leopard Gecko, Itzo, tends to come out of her hideaway and stare at me for a prolonged period of time if I sit down on my computer near her terrarium.
Is there a specific reasons she's staring at me? I read that some reptiles have the ability to recognize individuals.
The funny thing is that I've only had her since August, and I don't handle her often, since a majority of the time she doesn't want to be handled. I want her to get used to my hand, so I've hand fed her a few times.
*stares back at her*
...Clever Girl...
Is there a specific reasons she's staring at me? I read that some reptiles have the ability to recognize individuals.
The funny thing is that I've only had her since August, and I don't handle her often, since a majority of the time she doesn't want to be handled. I want her to get used to my hand, so I've hand fed her a few times.
*stares back at her*
...Clever Girl...