wow, some people.


New Member
Dansville, NY
I would have walked away period................. This is what I have learned and what I will do. All the tough guys/gals can do as they please and talk as tough as they want. There was no weapon involved in this situation.


New Member
Dansville, NY
People are going to have different opinions and mine is that i would walk away. Thats what I'm doing is stating my opinion. Some may agree others may not thats their right.

Russ S

In the infamous words of someone not fortunate enough to have had a chance to walk away, "Cant we all just get along?"

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
gixxer3420 said:
this thread is all blah blah blah
Maybe to you, but you know that there are some situations you cant walk away from, you just dont want to admit it. Its EXREMELY naive to think every single violent situation can be avoided, to the point of ignorance almost. So you got sued and walk away from things, good for you, but you got sued because you totaled the guy, simply taking the weapon away and breaking his elbow is enough, but busting multiple things, cmon man. Not everythings avoidable, you can accept it or go through life as if you were stuck in a hole. You say everyone from my city just runs their mouth. I dont care if your older than me, I've lived here long enough to know its not just a running of the mouth.


Wow. I'm not saying this to be mean, but Tom you got a lot of drama for a kid. All the threads you post are soooo heavy, always about moral values. Can't you just post about geckos. LOL

Sorry just trying to bring some levity to the situtaion. I actually feel sorry for you because you're in high school. It seems like everything sucks when you're in high school.

My take on the whole thing though is "if he is all mouth and doesn't touch you just walk away", "if anyone touches you, you have the right to defend yourself."

Just my 2 cents.


The NY Gecko said:
you got sued because you totaled the guy, simply taking the weapon away and breaking his elbow is enough
Agreed, self-defense is disabling someone just enough to stop them hurting you, not causing them multiple serious injuries. However, seeing both sides here too, sometimes when you're in the middle of things the adrenalin rush can keep a person going even if they've been seriously injured, OR keep you going without realizing you've done that kind of damage.


New Member
Dansville, NY
WRong I got sued and he won because of what i knew in self defense. I had to pay his medical bills. This fight lasted 30 seconds, thats i quick it was. He was high on meth had 3 drug warrants. I got 18 stiches in my leg. Once someone comes at you using deadly force you can defend yourself by any means. I lost because the judge hates martail arts, thats it! I paiod his medical bills and the bastard is still in jail today becuase of his warrants. I'm appealing it now and trying to get another judge to hear the case. There now you "know it alls" know the entire story. Never assume you know until you have all the facks.

My point to this thread was I would have walked away, everybody is entitled to his or her own opinion and thst what I gave my opinion.


Geez, man, chill... I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that it happened without the extent of damage being realized... when you're that highly trained, and in the heat of the moment, you can inflict a lot of damage without realizing it... No need to be rude, I was trying to see your side as well....? :main_huh:

*edit* By the way, "any means" is a little off there. If you disable someone and then continue to inflict injury, you become the aggressor. I was suggesting that this was not the case when you started biting off heads here.
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New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Its EXREMELY naive to think every single violent situation can be avoided, to the point of ignorance almost.

Of course, if someone is coming at me or one of my family members with violence, I will defend myself or them. But if someone calls me a name, I would walk away from the situation and avoid violence. That is what mature, responsible adults do. I hold nothing against Tom because he is still a child, and we learn alot from the ages of 15-25. Well, most of us do anyway!


Bells Rule!
Dee said:
I take personal offense at that extremely rude comment... My friends are not scumbags, nor am I, and Newfoundland actually has the second lowest provincial crime rate in Canada. You'll notice that with each incident I cited, MY FRIENDS WERE NOT THE INSTIGATORS. It's absolutely ridiculous to say someone is a scumbag, caveman, or "from a bad neighborhood" because they've had to defend themselves! One of the incidents I described, I'm not even personally related to; it was a recent news item from the area near my high school. The others were from three completely separate groups of friends, only one of which has ever been associated with any other incidents of violence. The two "drunken" incidents? -- George Street, the most pubs per square foot in North America. The two high school incidents? -- an eight year span apart. I am nearly twenty-nine years old. A person can see quite a bit over the span of ten years of adult life; it doesn't mean I'm hanging out with shady characters, only that I haven't lived my life hidden under a rock.

To insult my friends and myself for illustrating a point when you don't even know us is absolutely uncalled for. To make a comment like you did also generalizes things to quite an extreme; you're basically saying that any area that has any form of violence is a "bad neighborhood".

Please get your facts straight before making assumptions and comments like this in the future.

Actually, no, it's not. It's called living in the real world. Some of us just haven't led as quiet a life as others.

Dee I was talking about the people who instigate these things. Not your friends...


New Member
Dansville, NY
Dee I didn't bite anyones head off. I just gave you my entire sotry so there wasn't any assumptions in there. Once you are confronted with a deadly weapon, you are not the aggressor. trust me I had to go through this for the last 2 years so i have heard everyside of the law and in my what I did was defend my self of deadly harm. The good thing about my situation is the guy has been in jail for 2 years, and he is stuck in there for another 23 years. So if you took it that I bit your head off, I'm sorry you just took what i wrote the wrong way.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
pawsfoot said:
Wow. I'm not saying this to be mean, but Tom you got a lot of drama for a kid. All the threads you post are soooo heavy, always about moral values. Can't you just post about geckos. LOL
Hahaha, just kinda figured morales are a little bit more important than my gecko. I enjoy talking about heavy topics than cheery stuff, more to talk about. People always said i should be a lawyer


At least you didn't take that in a bad way. I regretted posting it after I did. I thought everyone would freak on me and think I was being mean. It's a good thing I didn't offend you. Maybe you should be a lawyer.


The NY Gecko said:
Hahaha, just kinda figured morales are a little bit more important than my gecko. I enjoy talking about heavy topics than cheery stuff, more to talk about. People always said i should be a lawyer

i agree with tom, geckos are cool, and all the people ive met here are extremely cool. talking about herps is obviously what this forums is about and i enjoy it.

but its also nice to bullshit in a way. and to even chat about personal stuff with a group of people that really cant judge you in the way.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
I like talking about these things here because there isnt anywhere else to do it. When it comes to my friends theyre as clueless as I am. And my family members are useless. Well, the one useful one is gone, but thats neither here nor there. What I'm saying is. Yes this is a gecko forum, and geckos are cool, but I think that learning how to go through my life is just a taaaad bit more important that discussing what happens when lets say you put a sunglow with a mack snow(hypothetical). Its a little bit more important for you guys, cause its what you do, some full time. I have one gecko and although I bought her to breed, Im content with her as a pet, besides, in 2 years im gunna be doing alot of pushups.

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