I've been having trouble with my significant other lately on how many herps I can take in the house...i figured many have the same issue and was wondering what it was percentage wise
My ex thought it was stupid & a useless pet but he didnt say much else about it or my leo after I got her, & he never wanted 2 hold her, he would only hold her if i was holding her & then had 2 do something.
Lol, I didnt go crazy... I just kept getting more and more and more... =] And you did too get me into it, I had no idea about leos before you! <3 But, I love having the same likes in hobbies, so it works
I was told "I don't care what you get as long as none of the snakes weigh half your size or more because I don't want to come home with you in a snakes mouth.' ha Basically, I can't have a snake that weighs 50+ pounds. He said I'd be lucky if he'd even let me get a snake that weighed 35 as an adult.
He's silly, and probably would never notice whenever we live together. He'll probably never go into the reptile room. Other than the snakes, he doesn't care what I get. We got the frogs together this weekend, and he told me today he didn't care if I got tortoises. I think as long as it's a manageable size and I can afford to care for the pets, he doesn't really care. He wants me to get more to some degree. He's not a big reptile person though, which is odd that he wants me to have more.
My missus is in the IF YOU GET ONE MORE....SO HELP U stage. She never cared for my tarantulas and I have had many for many years(still can't use feeder roaches cuz she freaks)the reptiles she can barley deal with but she actually likes. She says we don't have sapce blah blah. Milk and eggs blah blah lololol. Mean while Morgan(SHTCT)is babied by her day and night. Why u ask? Cuz she got her for me. Sooooo its ok as long as she gets them. Oh and since I am ballsy she didn't threaten to kick me out. She threated to go to her mums and leave me with the boys (enter horror movie scene..background closes in and eery music plays)
I would say inbetween tolerates/dislikes. He usually doesn't say much, but if any of them get out (like my snakes) he freaks out. I'm rescuing a 12' Python here, and lets just say he's less then excited and wants me to find another home for it. quote from him "I don't like housing animals that can kill me in my sleep"...Makes it kind of hard to fully enjoy the hobby...I'm an extreme animal person, he is well not!
Lets just put it this way...I wouldn't be suprised if my reptile obsession ended our relationship. Hah! One of my pythons got out last weekend...and he said "I can't live here with them anymore!" So ya, he's not gone yet...But I think it puts stress on our relationship. Either way, I warned him when we started our relationship. So not really my problem. Animals = #1 in my life, everyone else can well...there's the door!
kinda hard for me to discribe. Well maybe not lol. My husband started as indifferent to my lizards and as of right now I only have 5 with many more coming lol He actually likes the geckos (tho I do ALL the work with them) and doesn't seem to mind having them around. He does however say no to snakes (but I did talk him into letting me get roaches! HA) He is getting his own lizard, a bearded dragon, very soon. Got the tank now have to slowly invest in the lights n such we need then we can bring it home I want to be a hobby breeder of leos starting next season and hubby supports me and even is going to buy my inc and thermostats I need. Eventually I also want to do fat tails and maybe knobs. So I guess he was indifferent then it grew on him and he likes em but I take care of em lol
I put tolerance and grew to love them because that about sums it up. My guy is always jumping the gun so to speak; he sees a cute herp and says "honey get that one" and I have to explain that the maintenance of that animal is more than what we can manage in a dorm room . He likes them because 'they look so pretty' (he is in LOVE with chameleons) but refuses to clean up after/feed the gecko unless I'm sick in bed/dead exhausted.
My mrs didn't like my snakes to begin with, she loves them now, with the geckos i never had a problem with them with her. Probably because she was used to the snakes allready.
My hubby was against my having any other animals other than my dog. That was 4 years ago. I got my cat about 2 years ago, then last Christmas I had mentioned i wanted a turtle. I had researched and decided that whether he liked it or not I was going to get one. Well on Christmas eve he brought home a 10 gallon tank. Way to small but it was the thought that counts. I got my eastern box turtle in January and my leos soon followed. We now have 3 dogs, 3 leos, a cat, a turtle and a kid. He has come a long way, he still doesn't like them but he will feed them and take good care of them when I leave for a few nights. What he doesn't know is that I am in the process of getting two more leos for a breeding project. HEhe. SHHHHHH!!!!!!