Come on, what was it? Any pictures of the dried-up version? :main_lipsrsealed: Definitely something living; not moss or shed. :main_huh: A baby of something?
Bananaphone mentioned sand. Let me just tell you, first of all, its not sand. Im EXTREMELY careful with my animals. He does have sand in the enclosure, however, it's not as bad as you think. He's actually on tile, with a little dust overlay of sand. There is sand on the edge, but thats the potty, and he uses it:main_yes: I have a nifty little tiny poop scoop too.
DING DING DING...and the prize goes to TripleALeos
It was a belly full of sphagnum moss!
I had always used coconut fiber in his hide, I switched it to sphagnum moss about a month ago. Comet has NEVER missed a meal...about 3 weeks ago he started turning up his nose at food. I didnt really think anything of it at first, but when his tail wasnt looking as plump anymore I started to get nervous. Since I do have sand in the enclosure (which I have now for a year), I started getting worried, even though Im so careful, I thought maybe he was impacted??
The night before I was ready to remove the sand, I went in my sons room to check on him, and saw that disgusting thing! It looked like something from outerspace! It was so nasty! I thought it was superworms and shed at first (I have never fed pinkies). I waited until it dried out before I removed it, and it was SPHAGNUM MOSS!
LOL, everyone is SO worried about sand causing impaction...sphagnum moss apparently is just as dangerous! I have it in others enclosures with no problems at all, but NOT Comets...the spotted sphagnum eater...back to coco-fiber!
PS...His appetite is back to normal, so Im sure that chubby fat tail will return in no time:main_thumbsup:
Gecko are a lot like kids and puppies, they will eat practically anything that has the right texture. Glad Conet threw it up and didn't get impacted from it.