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I have no idea what these white blobs are in the place my Leopard Gecko poops. Im 99% sure he is a male so I don't think they are eggs. Could they be urates? They are pretty big. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks
I found this but if the white blobs are attatched they are most likely urates…
Leopard gecko white poop
White poop (don't confuse with urates that is on the side of the poop) can be a result of eaten shedding skin. Leopard gecko's stool is often white or grey after they eat their shed skin. If you keep your leopard gecko on sand or other bright substrate, it could be ingested substrate
Did they recently shed? Have you seen it injecting substrate?
And I just noticed the date of this post. Fun.
I am breeding my two leopard geckos. If they are housed together from a young age, will they breed? I am asking this question because they were together from 1 month of age until 1 year and they don't even notice each other.
Hi, I have 3 leopard geckos and one of them always wants to come out as soon as its night. She tries swiping her hand on the glass and recently she's started nose rubbing and it's caused her nose to go pink and a small cut. It's not bleeding. I've put her in another enclosure temporarily but it's not big enough to keep her in permanently. Is there anything I can do with the viv to stop her from injuring herself?
This is not an update to me as much of a complaint. The adds in this site are obnoxious. I can't currently see what I'm typing. It covers half to three quarters of my screen. If I get rid of it it comes back right away. I am on an Android phone :/
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Thank you for the feedback. We have turned down the ads dramatically
I’m getting 2 baby crested geckos this week, I’m going back and forth if I should do tub of a tank for it because it’s only a month old and I don’t want it to be stressed out.
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Do a tank with a towel over it at first so it's dark and peaceful while he acclimates!
I've only got two leopard geckos, but they're the best thing ever! I love geckos and reading about people's geckos and getting advice from people who have real experience.