
  1. R

    leopard gecko threw up

    i’ve had my leopard gecko for three years and i’ve never seen him do this. his tank has decent humidity, his tank is the right temperature and he stays on the warm side, and i use a mix of eco earth and reptisoil. im very worried the brown in his puke is from his substrate and am terrified he’s...
  2. L

    Is this impaction?

    Is this impaction? I got this juvenile gecko three days ago. He has a halogen lamp that I have set to around 80 degrees. The first day he ate, he ate yesterday morning and last night too, but he hasn’t eaten this morning and he just sleeps in one of his warm hides. He hasn’t pooped at all and I...
  3. Y

    Is my gecko impacted???

    I'm worried my leopard gecko might potentially be impacted. While he is eating regularly and seems to be active enough, I haven't seen a lot of poops in his enclosure over the past month and I caught him licking his vent at one point last week. While handling him today, I noticed that he had a...
  4. RyleeRellik

    Dark spot on leopard gecko belly

    Hi, I’m new to this forum, but I have 4 leopard geckos and one fat tail gecko. I’ve kept geckos for 7 years, but recently my female leo- Aqua. Seems to be impacted? There was no signs of anything 2 days ago but now there’s a very dark spot on her tummy as pictured here. The only other symptom is...
  5. EricCartman


    I feed my Leopard gecko mainly crickets as well as mealworms from time to time. I was wondering if it would be ok to feed her only mealworms for a couple of weeks as opposed to crickets. She loves mealworms and they are very easy to take care of. I know crickets have better nutritional value...
  6. F

    Dragging hind legs

    I picked up my leopard gecko and noticed it was expelling a piece of sphagnum moss. After working it out, she has been dragging her legs when walking but if I put her on my shoulder she seems to be able to move her tear legs. I read somewhere that constipation/impaction might cause this. Just...
  7. D

    Like impaction but not impaction

    So I got myself a little leopard gecko a while back. She ate sporadically but ate all the same. Pooping and shedding as normal. She didn't have the greatest health when i got her but im used of that as most really nice geckos are hard to find here. So anyway her humidity box is sphagnum moss as...
  8. H

    Is my gecko impacted

    Hi all my gecko has stopped eating for about 5 days now and im getting a little worried. i was wondering if you could help tell me if she is impacted? she is on coconut fibre and eats a vary of meal worms and super worms.
  9. M

    leopard gecko impaction or not

    Hi guys so I just switched my leopard gecko to eco earth because she's about to lay and I saw some youtubes use it for years without problems and she's pooped today and yesterday so I was just wandering if this is impaction or not please help