I thought the Mayans predicted the world would change in a good way in 2012? Or am I about 30 miles into left field?
However, you can also take into account the prophecies of St. Malachy, who predicted that the last Pope will be the one after Benedict (referred to in the prophecy as Gloria Olivæ ), our current Pope.QUOTE]
*Patiently awaits a similar repeat of Y2K*
I'm also one of those people that doesn't believe a word of it. It's a bunch of hype to give people something (else) to worry about.
Remember all that crap about the year 2000! Well were still here!
We were in Kansas City and three morons decided the to rob a bank thinking the computers were going to screw up. Boy were they wrong! Off to Leavenworth ha hah ah!
Any way believe what you believe, for me I take every day like its the last and in no way will my action be any different if I knew when it would all end.:main_thumbsup:
I thought the Mayans predicted the world would change in a good way in 2012? Or am I about 30 miles into left field?
I don't really buy it either, but it's fun to talk about and study and play devil's advocate with. In 2013 the world will be ending in 2025. And so on. For some reason, throughout history people have always really wanted the world to end...
HAHAHA, pessimistic species aren't we?
The Mayan calendar, like others, has had its 'ebb and flow' and when you look at it, its more of a natural progression really. Anything that that rises must eventually fall and vice versa.
The common idea seems to be some sort of change in consciousness. Whether thats good or bad, is left to interpretation. Some fear the Apocalypse and a WW III. Then theres those that follow the "Indigo Children" ideas that have a different view. I've even heard some speak of the second coming of Christ.
I find it interesting that the exact date is December 21, 2012. The Winter Solstice. The longest night of the year and in some cultures and religions, refered to as "The Birth of the Sun."
(Christmas is celebrated as the "Birth of the Son" so I've always found this corelation (sp) interesting.)
Or, you folks could be like me and be collecting the Stone Brewing Company's Epic Ales!!!
One released from 2002 to 2012, designed to be drank in Dec 2012.
I foolishly drank but did not save any copies of the 2/2/02 release.
But I have everry other one since. Next one's out 9/9/09.
They're designed to age/ferment/mature until the last one is released.
If the world DOES end, I'll have good beer.
p.s. according to one of my favorite authors:
*We are in fact living through the apocalypse right now
*The apocalypse is happening in slow motion
*The apocalypse is as much about rebirth as breakdown
*Most of the time we do not experience the apocalypse through big bad events, but through the details of our personal lives
If you dig it, I can get you the source, if you say I'm just plain batty I will smile and nod and send big luvs your way.
p.p.s. the Mayan calendar, the Hindu calendar, several other calendars all count down to something, yes. But in my mind? Every ending holds the seeds of a new beginning.