A breeder's rant...


Mod Squad Member
bro paul said:
I hope you're feeling better Marcia. Happy New Years, either way! You'll be in our prayers.

Also, thanks for always taking the time to answer my questions in the past. It means a lot...really.;)

As you know, one of the down sides of being a nice, helpful person is that people will tend to take advantage of your generosity. I don't know how to change that.

If you don't mind, I'd like to throw something out there that's been on my mind...and may explain a little bit about why there are so many frustrating aspects of "customer service" in the reptile industry. That being the possibility that for many people this "hobby" is more of an unhealthy addiction than a healthy hobby. Many of us call it a "passion", when in reality it's more characteristic of an addiction. That would explain the compulsive emails & purchases, the impatience, the lack of follow through, the panic...and so on.

I know from personal experience (confession time..lol)! I could write a book on all the bad decisions/financial risks I've made in the name of "advancing my collection". It finally hit me about 6 months ago...that I have to change my approach or risk losing something I really enjoy. I love my little leopards...and if I'm really going to give them the best care possible, then that means A LOT less geckos for me...and just slowing things down in general. This is after conducting my hobby as a fairly successful "small business" for the past 7 - 8 years. I'm still super excited about working with cutting edge genetics/projects...but the idea that I can get ahead with more geckos and more risks is gone. I don't think I even want to "be ahead"...if that makes sense. That's just me though...due to time constraints and all (and a bit of common sense). But, I'm using myself as an example of how "breeders" can quickly get in over their heads and begin making bad choices...and acting dumb, in general when it comes to reality with their hobby.

We've all seen how quickly someone can become a "breeder" with a nice looking website and tons of geckos (and possibly huge credit card debt). What most people (new hobbyist) don't know is how much stinking time and $ is involved in giving even a small collection the proper care. It's basically like running a small farm.

I must say that I have the utmost respect for those breeder/hobbyist (new & established) that have found the proper balance and maintain a successful, "healthy" hobby...showing a bit of discipline. Please share more of your wisdom with us...

Sorry for the rant within a rant...but, I thought this might fit in good here. I could go on and on, but then I'd have to go start a new thread :main_rolleyes: (lazy). I would like to hear what others think about the "addiction" aspect though.

On a side note, I'm already enjoying my geckos more than I have in years. :main_thumbsup:

I can see the correlation between addictive behavior and the behavior of many gecko "enthusiasts." I'm not sure it's an "addiction" per se, but there's certainly a correlation. I myself was very much like that in the beginning, when I didn't know better, and saw beautiful geckos and morphs and wanted them all!! LOL. It was exciting!! After I was successful with my first sets of eggs, I was more confident!! I could do it. :main_yes:

I bought too many and it took up a lot of time - more than I could afford.

I rethought my goals; what am I trying to accomplish? I started selling projects and set a self imposed limit of how many geckos I could *reasonably* keep. I decided that I wanted to produce 100-200 high quality babies a year. Period. So, I have geckos that I keep and won't breed. I have 20-30 breeders that will breed this year. If something new comes along that I *really* want to work with, I will have to decide what to let go of. The truth is, I *still* get excited when I buy a new gecko - and if I'm a PITA about it, I don't mean to be. ;) Nowadays, I just don't buy very many at all - regardless of how tempting some projects might be (Jeremy's RRS, Jason's snowglows, Dan's redstripes, to name a small few.) I think the balancing act will be a lifelong process, quite honestly. :main_yes:

I really believe that a LOT of people - newer breeders like myself and more experienced breeders alike - start off with a bang acquiring new geckos like they're going out of style. At some point, I think *most* recognize some limitations and "downsize" or do what they need to do to continue in the hobby/small business without losing themselves.

There will always be "bigger" breeders who produce thousands of geckos a year - I think many do this as their full time job - and for them, I say good for them. It can just never be me. ;)

And I also thank Marcia, Paul Sage, Kelli, and *many* other wonderful people who have taken the time to talk to me, answer questions, etc. Without the great people - not the ones we're ranting about, LOL - this hobby wouldn't be the great, supportive place it is. :D
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Marcia, Marcia Marcia!!!

Haven't you heard? People are STUPID!
Take two geckos in the morning and call me back.
Works every time!!!


No One of Consequence
Don't forget about obligation either Marcia. You're NOT obligated to be the resource for the world. Customers of yours, sure, but the rest of the world, especially those who are NOT your customers, no.

I know you and I know you feel bad if you don't help everyone but you don't HAVE to, though you may feel that you do, I think it's because you feel obligated.

However, you do LET yourself feel obligated because saying no makes you seem mean and you are actually so nice that you would rather put yourself out than appear mean to someone.

In the future, when presented with the question of do I deal with this person I REALLY don't want to deal with, ask yourself this question, "What would Wes do?"

Then do what YOU think is right, not necessarily nice, but right for you, the lady who does NOT owe the world her time, knowledge, experience or life.

Focus the Chi and get healthy. I like our too far apart meetings.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
wilomn said:
I like our too far apart meetings.
For someone who only knows me from the internet and 'too far apart meetings', you know me well, Wes. I guess my MOGL cover is blown.
wilomn said:
ask yourself this question, "What would Wes do?"
If I did that, I would at least be able to live up to being the MOGL!

riverjop said:
Take two geckos in the morning and call me back.
Do I get to pick which two geckos I take???

You all are awesome...


frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
marcia i hope you feel better and that everything with your heart turns out ok and you are allowed to rant you are a very special and caring person


New Member
Wow, now I feel horrible about having asked you questions in PMs, I guess I never looked at it like I was do taking another's person time :eek: I'm sorry.

Get better soon and don't let anyone (not even the geckos :p ) take your too much of your health or your time, those are the most precious things you'll ever have in my opinion.

Ps: This thread reminded me when people PM me in other forums asking me breeding tips. It's like, emh, do you realize that I haven't bred geckos in my whole life? What do you want me to say? lol

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Wow, now I feel horrible about having asked you questions in PMs, I guess I never looked at it like I was do taking another's person time :eek: I'm sorry.
Please don't feel this way... I was just feeling overwhelmed when I started this thread, and I guess I just didn't think about how it would make others feel before I posted it. I was only thinking about myself... I'm so very sorry.

I remember many times with my kids feeling like, "If I hear someone yell, 'mom!' one more time, I'm gonna scream!" There are times like I feel that I'm going to rip the phone off the wall if it rings one more time. I was feeling this way when I posted this thread, and just needed to vent.

I honestly feel like we ARE a family here, and I want all of us to know that we are here to share and learn from each other. I wouldn't spend so much time here on GeckoForums.net if I thought otherwise, and I am honored that many of you see some of us 'old-timers' as a valuable resource. I don't want that to change.


Glad you agree with me on the feeling like family thing Marcia.

How are you doing today...?


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC

I havent taken Marcias time lol. But I have asked Paul Allen a arsenal of questions. I always ask if he is busy, rather than a "customer" I tend to think of myself as a "friend" to Paul A.. Im pretty sure he feels the same lol.
As to all of Marcias other complaints. I understand. LOL However Paul Sage struck ME with the quote about the caresheet. I posted a thread awhile agao asking if anyone would let me use there caresheet on my site (Marcia agreed along with others) I have yet to use any lol. My reasoning was different. I am personally unable to create a website. I am trying to learn, this has NOTHING to do with my care for my geckos. I have a friend that lives many miles away that is desighning my website, it is almost impossibale to put the website in my head, into his to get it put on the internet lol.
I just figured it may be easier for my situation. Well, now that I see how you guys feel about that, I would hate for you to think since I cant write my own caresheet I cant properly care for my geckos. Ill write my own caresheet.


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
Forgot to mention, I see us as a family too. Some of the best people Ive met this past year, came from this website. I am very thankful I post here and have had the privalidge to meet these fine knowledgable people.
AND MARCIA, I really hope your feeling better now?

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I am starting to get over my flu finally, but the Doc said my cough and congestion could go on for another 2 weeks. I feel like a poster child for Mucinex. (ewwww!)

I have been on a heart monitor since Sunday, and finally got that off yesterday. I have a allergy to the adhesive for the electrodes, and my chest, sides, and an area on both legs is all red and blistered. They will need to analyze the data before we know anything.

I 'aced' treadmill stress test, and I have no signs of any heart disease, and all my labe work looks normal. They found I do have a heart condition called ventricular tachacardia, and my EKG is showing severe persistant Quadrigeminy PVC's in the sinus node. This means there is something causing the electrical impulses in my heart to continually misfire, usually on the 4th beat. I also had a minor episode of fibulation, which is very scary, and if prolonged can cause sudden death. This has been going on for nearly 4 weeks now.

I am on strict instructions to rest and CHILL. My friend from Santa Cruz is here staying with me right now, and my husband has actually been on good behavior! LOL!
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New Member
Lay off the smokes and booze my friend and get better so we can smoke and drink in Daytona:main_rolleyes:


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
Marcia I hope the best for you and will keep you in my thoughts. I also have a heart..condition. But I dont remember what its called lol. When I stand up my vessles open to much I get a rush to the head pass out and my heart stops. But then I wake back up. Im on medication, But I did have to go through the treadmill test..wore the heart monitor for like a week. The tilt table test is were they found my problem. Good luck Marcia.


Mod Squad Member
I'm glad you're getting this taken care of, Marcia. Thanks for the update, and I hope you're doing lots of resting and relaxing. ;)

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