I thought I might share a breeding trick. This is the best non-contact method to prepare females that might not be ready for a male. We've all seen females that aren't ready and what they do to the males! Not nice ladies:main_no: and for the novice at breeding this scene can be very upsetting .
I call this the scratch n' sniff method :main_rolleyes:. I use computer paper for my males substrate. The males will mark there territory with the tail dragging thing they do all over the paper:main_evilgrin:. I then use the paper that has been in the males enclosure and cut it into fourths. Throw away the dirty portion of the paper and place (usually 3 squares left over) into the females cage that I want to breed with that male. I leave the computer paper in with the females for a least a week, replacing the paper as needed. I also at this point start checking females for ovulation :main_robin:. Once the female has started ovulating I give her about 2 to 3 days with the males paper section. Once the 2 to 3 days is up I place the male into the females enclosure. With in minutes the female excepts the male with no fighting, running or risk of injury to either one of the geckos :main_thumbsup:. I have used this method with great success.
I have only had one situation where the female didn't take to the male and that was because she didn't like him LOL! no really!:main_yes: She took to another male within minutes of refusing the original male. I hope this helps with breeding season. Best of luck on all your pairings this year!
I call this the scratch n' sniff method :main_rolleyes:. I use computer paper for my males substrate. The males will mark there territory with the tail dragging thing they do all over the paper:main_evilgrin:. I then use the paper that has been in the males enclosure and cut it into fourths. Throw away the dirty portion of the paper and place (usually 3 squares left over) into the females cage that I want to breed with that male. I leave the computer paper in with the females for a least a week, replacing the paper as needed. I also at this point start checking females for ovulation :main_robin:. Once the female has started ovulating I give her about 2 to 3 days with the males paper section. Once the 2 to 3 days is up I place the male into the females enclosure. With in minutes the female excepts the male with no fighting, running or risk of injury to either one of the geckos :main_thumbsup:. I have used this method with great success.
I have only had one situation where the female didn't take to the male and that was because she didn't like him LOL! no really!:main_yes: She took to another male within minutes of refusing the original male. I hope this helps with breeding season. Best of luck on all your pairings this year!