a male kept with 2 females?


New Member
so i got my male at a show and the breeder told me that you can keep a male with x amount of females and they will be fine(all year long). is this true i am just wondering because i have already started on their new home that they will all stay in? i always thought that the male will pester the females to breed when they dont want to and eventually cause a fight. do i just have to put them togeather and watch them. i've noticed a trick that someone did but i forget their name, where they put the gecko they are introducing in a cricket keep and put the keep by the others tank will this help introduce them and in return prevent fights?

thanks for the help.
p.s. they are not very social yet so picking them up and puting them in a bin to geather would be difficult and after seeing the pic of Next Level Geckos bite then i am a bit timid about just picking them up.
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what's one more....
Can't give any advice on housing males and females since I only have females.

For my timid girls that don't like to be picked up, I use a small critter keeper with the lid off (it's probably 6" x 4") I lay it on it's side in the tank and gently wrangle the gecko into the keeper by touching her on the back lightly with my finger :) Any kind of small box would work.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
To some extent it will depend on how the geckos do with each other. Generally I keep males and females together Jan-Oct, though this year I have so many hatchlings I have no room to separate the males yet. By about July the males are done pestering the females. NO one's interested in mating (except my SW banded gecko male) in this house anymore.



New Member
Oregon, IL
To some extent it will depend on how the geckos do with each other. Generally I keep males and females together Jan-Oct, though this year I have so many hatchlings I have no room to separate the males yet. By about July the males are done pestering the females. NO one's interested in mating (except my SW banded gecko male) in this house anymore.


I only keep two groups together year-round. I had a group of two females and a male that have been together since February. (I finally had to separate them because the females weren't letting my mail eat!) But by June or so he wasn't really interested in mating with them anymore. The other pair I keep is one female, one male, and he does still half-heartedly pester her from time to time, but neither is really stressed and both seem to be doing just fine :)


Quality Leopard Geckos
Reno, NV
It all depends on the male and female but as a general rule, as long as they get along then it should be fine. I seperated my male last year because he was trying to mate after the females were done laying and wanted to give the females a break for a couple months.


Housing Male with Female

It all depends on the male and female but as a general rule, as long as they get along then it should be fine. I seperated my male last year because he was trying to mate after the females were done laying and wanted to give the females a break for a couple months.

AGREE....depends on the Couple.
Need to really observe a lot.
Stress, aggressiveness on occasions.
I actually had one large male want to breed,
female said noway.
He said try this baby......
He bit into her and actually threw her the
width of the tank........
And he was usually a very gentle
126 gram big guy.
He did spend much of his time
in the weight room though.(LOL)
So observe as much as you can.
Take care. HJ


New Member
thanks for all the advise i think i'm going to put them togeather when the tank is done then observe them. i think i'm going to do this on a weekend so that i can watch them for most of the night. one more question if i was just to put them in the new tank all togeather all at once would that stress them out too much being "thrown" in to a new environment?



thanks for all the advise i think i'm going to put them togeather when the tank is done then observe them. i think i'm going to do this on a weekend so that i can watch them for most of the night. one more question if i was just to put them in the new tank all togeather all at once would that stress them out too much being "thrown" in to a new environment?

MY way would be to deed out the real estate in the name of the male.If you can give him a day or two.....
Lease out one female at a time........
hopefully they are near the same size.
If not enter the smallest female first.
Observe .....next day....next one....
Observing every little action....tasting each other,
bite and chase, strong agression.
Logic: Male needs to be the one accepting
and most of the time he won't get picked on.....
unless he's feeling frisky and she isn't ready.
Smallest female feels its her home first so the bigger
one should not be as bossy because its not quite her home yet.............but be prepared to remove what gets
picked on, if it happens.
Try again a couple days later.
May be accepted then.
Take care. HJ


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I know you still have them separate which is great but since no one has mentioned it yet... Make sure to finish the quarantine period before you put them together.

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